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You open your eyes slowly, and you see that you're still on your bed like how you remember.

You sigh. You wished that when you would wake up, Taehyung would still be there. But of course, you were giving yourself false hope.

You sat up, walking straight to the washroom to fix yourself up for the day. (Rather, night.)

"Jungkook...?" You call, looking around for him in the house. You forgot to ask him if he would sleep in your house, you hoped he didn't go home yet.

That's when you heard soft snoring, and you followed the sound until you saw him. He was laying peacefully on the couch, eyes closed and lips pouted as he was asleep.

He was adorable, and he actually looked like a baby. So, as to not disturb his sleep, you tip toed across the room to make some breakfast. (Whoops, dinner.)

You flipped out a frying pan and started cooking the dish you kept in mind. Thankfully, you learned how to cook since you lived alone the most of your life. (And it's a good thing the house didn't burn down in the process.)

You were so engrossed in cooking that you didn't notice Jungkook was right beside you.

You jump and scream in surprise, looking at him in shock. "Bro! You scared me."

He looks at you with the same unreadable expression, and he smiles at you only to frown again. "...Wait.." He says in a rugged, low voice. "Why are you up?"

You shrug at his obvious question, looking at him in confusion. "Well, ugh... I don't know. To cook food for us?"

He shakes his head and moves scarily closer to you, inspecting your body and making you slighty nervous.

Nope scratch that, he was making you extremely uncomfortable. "Uhhhh...Jungkook...?"

He looked at you literally from your head to your legs, and then back at your face to look into your eyes. "You're fine..."

"Well, yes. Duh! Why wouldn't I be?"

He stares at you blankly, and you gulp in intimidation. "You're supposed to be injured. How are all your bruises gone?"

At his statement, you had to think deeply. You momentarily forgot about what happened to you the other night, and that was thanks to the lack of pain.

You were supposed to be injured and hurting. But instead, you were totally fine, no inch or sign of any scratches or bruises. And it all seemed too familiar. "...This. This has happened to me before already. The last time we were attacked—"

"—You healed immediately." He finished your sentence, and you were honestly amazed. How could your body heal the bruises, injuries and pain ten times faster than the usual time of healing? Was it a perk of being a half-angel?

You believed so. It was the only possible answer as of now. And you're glad and lucky it's this way.

"You sure you're not...I don't know. A magical being of some sort?" Jungkook asks cutely, and you laugh at his question.

The both of you suddenly turned to the smell of something burning, and you panic as you turn off the fire and take out the pan. "Whoops..." You say, looking at the burnt food.

"It's okay." Jungkook smiles, taking the food. "It's not that bad."


The rest of the night was fine, you and Jungkook just chilling at your house and watching netflix and other things.

"Don't worry. You don't have to go to work if you don't feel like it."

"No. That's too unfair. I need to work to earn money. You can't just give me money while I stay here at home doing nothing."

He furrows your eyebrows and looks at you, admiring how responsible you are. He liked people who knew what they needed to do, but this time you really did need the rest. He won't allow you to work, but you were too stubborn to be told what to do.

"Ughhh..." He groans, rubbing his soft black hair. "You're so stubborn."

You didn't reply to that, only silently agreeing to what he said. You didn't want to keep using him, it seemed like that especially that he has given you literally everything at this point.

Besides, you can't keep crying all day. It's done and over with. You'll never keep him away from your mind, but if you want to be productive then you better start as soon as possible. Maybe working will even help you cope with all of this.

"It's fine..." You say, standing up and picking up the plates to wash it. "Besides," You continue, opening the faucet and putting the dishes under the running water. "It's not like I can stay here and keep crying..."

Jungkook was in awe of how calm your demeanor was, he would have imagined that a person that has just lost a friend would be balling out their eyes for hours.

But you were different. You were sad, he could tell. It was obvious enough. But he didn't realize how strong you were as a person. And he liked that. He just hopes you aren't hiding too many emotions.

"How can you be so calm?" He questions, and he starts walking to you carrying the glasses the two of you used.

You left the wondering unanswered, continuing to wash the dishes as a task to keep you distracted.

To your surprise, you felt his arms wrap around your waist. Your flustered state couldn't take it, but you failed to move as he hugged you and placed his chin on your head. The two of you stayed there in silence, him as calm as ever while your cheeks started to heat up at rhe gesture.

Little did you know that it took up every ounce of courage for him to do that, but the situation and your sadness encouraged him to do so.

And he was glad it did.

Because he was the happiest person alive on earth as of now, and you were the most flustered one.

He releases you from his hug after he realizes you might be a bit uncomfortable. But he doesn't say anything as you look up and into his eyes with a shocked expression.

"Thank you." You mention, only realizing how much you needed that kind of comfort. It felt nice, knowing that he would be there for you.

After a few hours, you went off to bed as Jungkook left you after much persuasion. He insisted in staying and taking care of you, but you also insisted that you were completely fine on your own.

You pull your blanket up until your neck, and your thoughts fly to different things.

And at some point, you felt yourself blushing yet again, remembering the back hug he gave you.

Can he stop pulling my heart strings? You tell yourself. I'm so confused already...

You try to shake off the thoughts and emotions, and suddenly you're back to thinking about Taehyung.

Your bed felt empty, you felt even colder without his presence. And you could feel the tears threatening to fall. You closed your eyes shut, and the attempt to not let the tears fall failed as you cried yourself to sleep for that night.

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