Dinner time

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A/N : fiNallY a nEw upDate

I am terribly sorry for the

!!!Guiness World Record of The Slowest UpdatesTM !!!

Sooooo many things have been happening lately, I was planning on updating so many chapters(maybe even finishing the book) because my exams were finished. But of course, school doesn't let me rest. Dozens of activities bla bla bla, and just when I thought I could relax, bOom I got sick. I'm better now though, but exams are coming up again the week after next week, (I know, it's terrible. We have 2 sets of exams every quarter, we have 4 quarters) so, I'm so sorry for the unclearupdating schedule. For now, I know you don't want to hear my excuse of not updating 😭😓😪 So, I hope you enjoy this long chapter!


You finally arrive at the restaurant, feeling even hungrier after walking for so long. "Maybe we should have taken a cab..." You say, panting a bit.

"You tell me this now?" Taehyung says, motioning to the front of the restaurant.

"....Fair point."

You tell the lady in the front desk that you needed a table for 3, and she hospitably guides you through the suprisingly huge place.

"I didn't know this place was big...I kinda feel underdressed." You say, looking around at the crowd wearing fancy-ish clothes. You look down at your clothes, regreting that you didn't even put any perfume on.

"Geez...I should have worn a dress or something."

Taehyung glances at you, scanning your figure wearing jeans and a nice blouse. "What are you talking about? You look great."

For the fricking nth time, you blush and look away, hoping he didn't notice. "Thanks..." You say, obviously flustered.

He only giggles at you, deciding to tease you a bit. "Awwwww, is baby Y/N embarrased?"

"What? I'm not!"

"Awww yesh you awwwee."

"Am not!"

"She's shyyyyyyy~"

"Oh my Lord stop it."

"Hey! Don't use the Lord God's name in vain."

"Oh no, sorry."

"Here you go! Table for 3." Says the lady you actually forgot you were following. Lifesaver.

"Thank you!" You and Taehyung say, sitting down on the soft couch. Just as Taehyung was going to sit beside you, both of you heard a familiar voice, although you had very different reactions.

"Y/N!" Jungkook says, grinning at you. You smile back, standing up to greet him. "Hey Kook!" You say, unknowingly making Taehyung jealous of the nickname. Howcome he doesn't have one?

You give Jungkook a hug, and he hurriedly takes the spot beside you. Taehyung gets pissed off a bit, as Jungkook smirks. This guy is competitive. He thinks.

Taehyung trudges to the other side of the table, sitting on the hard wooden chair in front of you.

"So....how are you?" You ask Jungkook, and he rubs his thighs and grins. "Ahhh..I'm okay. Nothing really happened yesterday..."

A waitress comes over to your table, gives the three of you the menu, and you search on the incredible amount of food there was available.

You eyes widened in surprise....widenig even more because of the prices of each meal. "Damn...I don't think I can afford these..."

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