Second: What's going on?

335 18 14

Just a few more steps....

Just a few more minutes and you can finally hug your pillow and cry your heart out...

All you have to do is cross the street and walk.

You were hugging yourself as you wait for the signal to flash color green indicating the pedestrian's turn to cross the street.

Stupid Jason. Did he really think I wasn't gonna find out sooner or later?

You think as your head was hung low, still waiting for the green light.

Finally, you hear a small ding from beside you and you start crossing the long street.

Stupid. Stupid Jason. I should have broken up with him a long time ago. Heck, I should have never even started it.

You find yourself tearing up again, all the happy memories rushing through your brain like a wave. Just like that, he was gone. You couldn't help but wonder, was it your fault? Did you do something wrong for him not to like you?

Just as you were so close to reaching the other end of the street, you hear a horn blaring from beside you, slowly becoming louder and louder by the second. Realizing what it was, you flick your head to where the loud sound was coming from and feel your heart beat a thousand miles an hour.

Your mind goes blank, and just like a deer facing the headlights of a car, you were frozen, you couldn't think properly as you see your life flash before your eyes. If you could have thought properly, you would have been thinking something like, Huh, so this is how my life ends. A sad story, an unhappy ending. No one's even gonna come to my funeral, no one's even gonna pay for it.

But what shocked you more was as soon as the truck was inches away from hitting you, something swept you off your feet. That something came to your rescue so fast, you didn't even have the time to process what was happening.

The next second, you dissapeared in a cloud of white....smoke? And you end up in a dark alley.

"Wha-wha wha wha??" Was all you could muster up to say. You were so confused you couldn't even form any words properly.

You had your arms close to your chest, you were shaking in fear, and after a few seconds, you finally realized that someone was hugging you and whispering, "'s okay Y/N. You're safe now."

Y/N? The person knows your name?

From the low voice that came from the stranger, anyone could guess that he was a man.

"Wai-w-wait." You say. "Why is it so bright?"

You were terrified, yes, but you were confused as to why it was so bright in your surroundings, all you could see was white, and the guy in front of you, but he was wearing white too. Is this heaven?

You hear the man chuckle a bit, before he slowly removes his arms around you.

Okay, here's the thing. If this guy was God, which could have been possible, then you kinda wished you should have died sooner. Nothing's better than waking up and seeing a handsome, young man to save you from painful death.

He had shockingly beautiful hair, his hair was literal glowing, it was gold and it looked so soft, you were tempted to run your hand through it. Another thing, his face. Oh, his face was impossibly handsome. It should have been illegal to exist. You probably wondered that no matter how many times you'd see him, you would probably never get used to how stunning he was. You were so focused on his face, that when you hear a loud, flapping noise, you had to back up a bit in confusion....only to be confused even more.

"What the heck?" You shout. "Wha-, wait...who? How?"

The stranger chuckles a bit as you scan what was behind him, or more like, attached to him. He had big, white feathery wings, one wing almost the length of two arms. They were beautiful, but you were too shocked to see such a thing that you weren't able to appreciate it enough.

That's when you realized too, he had a golden...ring? Or halo on top of his head, but it wasn't entirely solid, more like a cloud shaped as a halo that if you try to touch it, your hand would slip right through.

He was wearing a white silk shirt and white pants with white shoes. It was simple, yes. But this man could end all model's careers at once.

He was gorgeous.

"Uu-uum..." You stutter again, not being able to accept the fact that there's a gorgeous looking being in front of you. If you remember correctly, acoording to some books you've read, this guy must be...

"If you're wondering what, or who I am," He speaks with his deep, silky voice. "My name is Kim Taehyung." He smiles, that resembles a shape of a box. "And I'm your guardian angel."


A/N: Unedited:(

I found the pic above on pinterest and wow it fits perfectly👌👌👌😊

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