Hey There!

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Ddaeng it's been a while.

To all those who have stuck with this poor excuse of a book—thank you so so much. It now has 500+ reads!!! Yayyy AHAHA

it's been more than a year (?) already since i first published the introduction. and even if you didn't finish reading, (and you're not actually reading this note lol) i'd still like to thank you for giving this book a try. frankly, i must tell you this and be honest; i find my old writing style pretty dull and...not....as advanced as i wanted it to seem? there are a LOT of typos which I didn't bother to check and edit (lol) plus the amount of effort that I put into the book was...not the most I could do.

I published a new book called "Blood Cure" which I'm currently working on! if you're interested, do check that out. I'm pretty sure that as i grew a bit older, my grammar and writing style has (somewhat) improved. anyways, im still a young and inexperienced writer—if you can even call me that looolllll

at the end of the day, all of this is just for fun and it's a way for me to show my love for the boys! i've been an army for 2 years...and wow it's been such a ride. hoseok was right—joining this fandom and being an army is one of the best things i've done ( and could ever do ) in my life.


to celebrate this achievement, (and because i'm feeling really productive this morning) here's a little something for those who feel like reading! enjoy and have a great day hehe

read until the end and you won't regret it 😉 **wink wonk**


"No," You grumble, eyebrows furrowed and beads of sweat rolling down your forehead. Although your eyes were shut and you were supposedly asleep, your mind and body were restless due to the nightmare you were having. Taehyung heard your groans, and as he slowly opened his eyes from his slumber, his heart clenched seeing you like this.

It's been almost a year since he turned into a full human, but even so, you encountered nightmares every now and then. He remembered what you had told him a few days ago-most of the time, they were about your mother; others, it was about him.

About that particularly cold night, that had permanently scarred you for life. You couldn't seem to forget the blood on his body, and how he slowly disappeared while you tried to hold him tight. It was as if that moment that you hated so much had seered itself into your mind, refusing to let you forget.

How frightened you must have been that it left you traumatized. He could only imagine how tough it would have been for you-to experience the fear of losing someone you held dear. Not only that, but also how helpless and hopeless you would have felt when he started vanishing in front of your eyes. That's why he never hesitated when he was given a choice, he would always pick you.

From under your head, he gently pulled his arm out to give it a slight stretch before slowly caressing your cheek. You were still endlessly grumbling, and because of this, Taehyung moved his hand to lay it on your shoulder. "Hey," He whispered. He figured it would be better to wake you up than let you stay in that horrible place your mind has made up. "Hey, wake up." He repeats, this time shaking you a bit more.

After a few more attempts, you jolt awake, and it took you a few moments to finally realize that it was just another dream. As you regained consciousness, you stare at the man in front of you.

"Taehyung...." You whispered softly, a tear unknowingly escaping and falling down. As soon as he saw this, he pulled you closer to his chest, where you heaved a deep sigh before letting your muscles relax. You clutched onto his shirt, trying to forget what had just reoccured in your head.

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