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Back down on earth, you and Jungkook were hanging out in his house (more like mansion) with the hospitable and sweet helpers to accompany the two of you.

Your wound still hurt pretty bad, but fascinating enough, you felt better than ever and you healed pretty fast, despite only resting for a few hours.

Although you thought you were safe, you always had to keep your guard up. You would never know when the alleged "monsters" would strike again, and you definetely wouldn't want to have to risk Jungkook's life, or yours.

As for Jungkook, he had many questions-that's for sure. He would very much like to squeeze out all the information out of you about those creatures that seemed human before. He was baffled, and shaken by the chaos he had just been through, and he knew you were too.

He was worried, and he knew that sparing that one demon wasn't a good idea. However, he couldn't take it anymore, and seeing you injured made him see to his priorities.

That whole night you were sleeping, no matter how exhausted he felt, he was restless. He needed to know more about these creatures, and how he could defend you, and himself.

All he could search online however, were a few websites that did not, at all, seem legitimate or trustworthy. So, he scratched his head and noticed that he has been up all night surfing the net as he looked up at the clock.

He was just holding on to his calmness because he knew that you were at least breathing, and he had to take care of you.

At this hour, the helpers were cooking in the modern-looking kitchen while was helping you sit down on the chair at the dining table.

As soon as he sets you down, you look up to him and say a little, "thank you" as he gives you a small smile before he sits down right beside you.

Jungkook was contemplating. Was it possible, that you knew more about the "monsters" than he thought? He couldn't help but think of the possibility that you were a target for a reason, but he didn't know if asking you at this time was the right thing to do.

To his surprise, you spoke up before he even got the courage to ask you of the questions messily floating in his mind.

"Those...things that attacked us..." You say, "I think, they attacked me for a reason, don't you think?"

Startled, Jungkook was amazed at how the both of you were thinking of the same thing at the same time. After adjusting in his seat, he looks up to meet your eyes and says, "I...was actually thinking the same thing."

"I've never heard of any kind of monsters lurking around, if they have attacked someone before, the news would have reported about it, right? At least warned us about these things‐ these creatures..."

"But if there is a reason, what could it possibly be?" Jungkook questions.

You think to yourself, could it be because you knew Taehyung? That you know an angel, and as long as you had some kind of relation with him...But Taehyung said every human had an angel. Then why would the demons attack you, of all people? Was it just your bad luck?

But if that was so, it wouldn't seem as if the creatures were actually waiting for you...

"You know, we wanted to attack you earlier Y/N. But you had to have a date with that Jungkook guy."

What could he have meant by that?

"Jungkook, Y/N, here you go."

You glance up from the floor, and see the smiling, jolly lady holding plates with steaming hot dishes.

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