Getting to know you

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You feel your eyes flutter open, and to your surprise, Taehyung wasn't beside you anymore. You spend a few more minutes on the bed just staring at the ceiling contemplating life(like you always do) and stand up groggily to the washroom to freshen up.

After you brush your teeth, wash your face and do other stuff part of your morning routine, you walk to the kitchen to find Taehyung with his back facing you. His wings were gone, and he was now wearing a dark colored sweater with cream colored khaki pants. One thing went past your mind,

He's so boyfriend material.

You caught yourself staring at him, and you notice that he was trying to cook something. He suddenly shook his head and you see his right hand hold his left shoulder as he massages it a bit, rotating his shoulder.

You feel bad, that must have been because you were lying down in his wing. You should have known it would get numb, despite him saying it wouldn't. 

You shake your head, walking closer to him as you hear the faint jazz music he must have played. Huh, he found your old CD's.

Finally reaching him, he hasn't noticed you were awake yet, so he was startled when you put your hand on his shoulder and massaged him yourself.

"You told me it wouldn't hurt." You say, feeling guilty.

"Ahhh, well...I wanted you to be comfy so, if I told you I'd get numb then you wouldn't have fallen asleep as fast right?" He says, and you chuckle a bit.

"Goodmorning by the way. I see you've found my old jazz music?"

"Yep! Jazz is my favorite." He says. The calm music you haven't been listening to very often anymore made you feel so relaxed, you appreciate the sound as you unknowingly sway to the music.

"What are you making?" You ask the angel.

"Just eggs for a simple breakfast." He says while looking at you with a small smile.

Holy frick fracking shiz, he's gorgeous.

You try your best to not fangirl and shake off the ideas off your head. It's just so distracting because soft jazz music is being played while a literal angel is preparing breakfast for the both of you. Thank God you bought that vintage CD player.

You walk to the couch and yawn again, sitting down as he places the plates in front of you, on the small coffee table. He sits across you on the carpet and raises his hands. "Pray before you eat!" He says.

You smile and sit down on the floor as well as both of you say your thanks and starts eating the healthy breakfast.

"I need to go to work today, if you don't already know." You say. "Are you gonna stay here or come with me? Or...I dunno do you have to go back to Heaven?"

He chuckles a bit and looks at you. You swear this guy's gonna give you a heart attack because of his good looks.

"I won't have to go back to Heaven for a while, I like staying here too." He continues, "I wanna come with you today, but I'll stay invisible or else they'll ask so many questions about me, and I know you don't like being interrogated."

"Ah. Good idea." You say.


Walking to the coffee shop for work, you decide to ask Taehyung a few questions.

"Taehyung, what does God look like?"

He raises an eyebrow at you before saying, "I can't actually tell you that you know? Unless you want Him to be furious with me."

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