[28] Search

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Is there something wrong Janny?" Domn said while he approached me, and looked and me, He knew I was thinking about someone else. He knew so well that he already knew my actions even though, I was gone for a while.

"Uhm, No, there isn't. I just need remembered something." I lied, I need to find Hance and tell him what's happening, Why isn't the plan working, But the problem is, I don't know where is he, I haven't seen him in days.

Where is he anyway? I miss him so much, I miss being with him, We were hanging out last three days, and then when I left him, I never saw him that moment. I'm worried about him now.

I just need to lie, just a little white won't hurt a bit. I just need to find out where he is right now, and I need to know if he's okay, I don't know is he's suffocating now, or in a battle field or whatever, as his little sister, I'm worried.

"I need to fix something, Domn, Echo, if it's okay with you." How can't be okay with them anyway? They can't disapprove, or else. I hate everything that gets is my way, whenever I want it.

"Be back soon okay?" Domn said gently and maybe a little bit worried. "Okay, stay safe." Echo added, they sounded happy but worried. I think they know I'm up to something. They can't know.

I got out of the academy and felt the cold breeze and little snow frost in my hair, face and clothes. I looked at my both direction and saw no one, I approached the gates and opened it, while I'm walking in the road, I saw a guy standing in the snow. Almost covered.

"Sir?" I tapped his shoulder and he turned around, It wasn't a stranger at all, he was Nathan, his lips were almost purple his hands shaking, his hair covered in snow and his clothes covered in snow also.

"Nathan, what are you doing here out in the snow?!" I slowly removed all the tiny snow in his clothes and hair. He was cold, I can't feel the warmth of his body now, And I know vampires are cold but it's just isn't the same.

"I-I w-was j-ust about t-to ask-k the same t-thing." His voice shaking, He's been for hours, I can tell, no one, no vampires freezes than this in a snow in more than three hours.

"Don't bother me, Come here you." I dragged him near the trees and slightly heated him up, I used my fire magic to heat him, gently, not burning, but refreshing.

"Thanks Janny." He said while he hugged me then he let go "What are you doing here anyways?" His voice now sounded clearer. What is he doing here too?

"I'm looking for Hance." I said while looking around my surroundings only seeing white snow and dark green forest trees. "What about you? What are you doing here?" I continued

"Same as you Janny." He said with a deep voice.

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