[31] Why

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Just another short chapter


I woke up, turning my head left to right, over and over again. I slowly tried to open eyes and the bright light made me close my eyes again. I moaned and an breathed heavily. What happened? How did I get back in the academy? Is Hance okay? What about that other mystery blonde guy? Is he here?

My head ached because of questions that I want yo answer. Who could have done this to Hance anyway? I know he's a Voltaire (member of the Volturi) but- That's right, he is a Voltaire, Most of the vampires are mad at them, but also, why?

"Hance?" I moaned and slowly leaned my head and back on the wall, where the bed is. I looked around the place and saw Nathan, Echo, Domn and that mystery blonde guy in the rom, Why are they all here? I thought.

Nathan approached me and held my hand while Echo planted a glare at him, I guess he's an over protective brother. AGAIN. "Where's Hance?" I simply asked and slightly slapped his hand over and over again.

He looked at me, with eyes so sorry but calm. "He's recovering for now, He lost blood, but luckily his okay now." His face expression, so calm but his words so deep. Is there something I don't know that going on? I looked at them.

"What's going on?" I said, I knew something is up, They know something here, if only I can read their minds, I would know but sadly I can't. I fucking cant

"What happened to Hance isn't done by them only." Said the blonde guy, standing up, he was wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and maong pants. Wait, how does he know Hance anyway? does he know him longer than I think? Is he also Voltaire?

"Sabotage" Echo added. "It's the only thing." he also said. Maybe he's right, but there's also a mastermind. I can't be sabotage. No.

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