[44] Dream

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"Dad?" I felt my tears on my cheek, When I saw him standing in the on the other corner of room, I saw him doing nothing att all. He's just looking at me from head to toe, Breathing and blood dripping from his face. He's like he just came from the dead. 

I know this sounds crazy but I think this isnt a good idea at all. Looking at my situation now, It really isnt.

He's coming closer, The way he walks isnt normal at all, He doesnt speak, The blood driping from his face made him look like crazy "Dad? Stay where you are." I have to admit I was scared of him at this moment. 

"Dad, Please." I was about to cry but he wont listen, he still walks slowly towards me, not planning to even stop. Im so worried about him.

I closed my eyes and took a breath and when I opened my eyes, I saw Dad standing right in front of me, drippig blood, holding my neck, I was starting to loose breath but then he let go.

His forhead was right on mine and he was breathing in my face, I'll admit, I was very very scared at this moment, I know he's y dad but I think he isnt by the way he's acting. 

"My Princess.." He started to speak "Join me. Join me once again. Dont let me down my princess.." He gave me a creepy smile 

"Dad..." I said in sadness. This time, I wont, I dont need to follow every single instructions he'll say, I'm old enough to think about my own descions. I dont need this. I looked at him, "No." 

He laughed histerically, "No?" He laughed again. "I wont take your no for an answer princess." I took many steps back but he didnt follow instead, His skin turned pale white, and his fae was coevered in blood and his eyes were in the very very redest color. 

"You will join me princess.." He was walking towards me, The place was darkening and and Im loosing streght. I wanted to cry. He held my neck again and raised me. I was holding his hand to let him go but he didnt.

I love you my princess

I will never hurt you

Always remember that I'm right by your side.

I will never leave you.

I love you Janeia. 

I remembered those words before he died and noe hes back, from the dead he changed, he wants to get his way, pronto. I miss my old dad, the one who wasnt like this at all. Who was sweet and carring and a dad who wouldnt hurt me just to get his way.

I miss him. so much.

He let go of my neck and I found myself lying on the ground he held a knife and thrust in agaisnt my body until everything went pitch black. 

I suddenly opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of my room. What happened?

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