[32] Blonde Haired Guy

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I looked at the blonde guy and he looked at me back and winked, I glared at him and looked at Domn, he was just sitting in the corner of the sofa, face covered with his own palms showing of his also blonde hair, and he removed his hands and touched his lip ring and licked his mouth. I want to be honest, I think my brother's hot.

"Can you please do something else than flirt, turd." I looked at the guy again. "What are you doing here anyway? How do you even know Hance?!" I shouted and made a face while I'm looking at him, Boy, when I get pissed off by this dude, I'll fucking rip his head apart. He's such a jerk.

They all looked at me and they all giggled. Why is that turd giggling? He should be offended! Why is he laughing? I'm not joking, I'm really getting pissed of by this guy, He should be offended but he just laughed at my insult?! What the fuck.

"Why are you giggling turd?" I stood up "You should be offended, I didn't made any joke for your information." I lean in close to him and he smiled. He's starting to fucking creep me out. I hate this guy so far. Fuck him.

He leaned also to me and giggled once again. "For your information" He started to speak, mocking me and doing a hand sign in the air "I'm Cole." He smiled. That's the only fact he gave me about himself? What is he? Famous? This guy isn't only a turd, he's a turd, jerk and also a douchebag.

"And?" I said in a sarcastic voice, I thought this guy was awesome and super kind but I guess he isn't, from the fight he won, I don't know maybe yesterday made me think good thoughts but when I talked to him, everything I thought about him changed.

"I'm a Protector of the Volturi, I'm Cole Ellington." (Riker Lynch) He said with a smirk- Wait, Cole... Ellington? He's an Ellington? "Wait. If you're Ellington youre-"

"My brother" Christian suddenly came in. This is going to be akward. Indeed. They look like they aren't really close as brothers. They have coldness with their eyes and when I look at Christian he's eyes were looking angry.

What could have happened to them anyway? Christian didn't mention a single detail about him, I didn't even know he had a brother, heck I don't know if he has a family. I'm really scared of what's happening right now.

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