I saw her...

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Steve POV

I look across the classroom and I saw her: the most beautiful girl ever. Her red hair looking like fire and I'm drawn in, I don't even care if the smoke kills me. She chews on the strawberry gum that is in her mouth and it draws me in even more, I know it's strawberry because I can smell it. She's new, and I'm loving her already, she's so gorgeous.

Ten minutes into the lesson and I've not even opened my book yet, I can't take my eyes off her. She's different, and I love it. "Mr Rogers! What is it that makes you unable to write?!" My teacher shrieks down my ear and I'm still hardly able to hear her. Instead I'm listening to the new girl humming to herself. It sounds beautiful: almost as beautiful as her. Looking up at Mrs Merkel- I'll never know why someone would marry her- I smile politely. "I'd rather marry the devil than be in your lesson for one more second. But I guess the devil's taken because you're married," a roar of laughter errupts from the class. I shut my eyes and I wish that I hadn't talked, I wish. "Out," I nod and walk out. As I do, I see the new girl look at me and smile with pride, she's impressed.

Rrrriiiiiiinnnnnnggggg! The bell echoes through my ears and I don't even flinch. Getting sent out of class is the best thing that has ever happened to me, all I did was think about the new girl all hour. People start filing out and I spot her, the beautiful fire child.

She grabs my hand and I'm shocked at first but I quickly adjust. Fire girl drags me to the side and widens her eyes. "That was awesome, love it," she starts laughing and I can tell that she's talking about what I said to Mrs Merkel. "I'm Natasha by the way," she sticks out her hand and I grab it as softly as I can. Shaking her hand I introduce myself as well. "I'm Steve," I smile to her and I'm so happy. She spends the next couple of minutes talking to me as we walk to next lesson. It's biology and we have Mr Whittles, so there's no way any one is getting shouted at.

I sit down in my normal seat and Natasha sits next to me and then asks if the seat was taken. "No, I'm not exactly who everyone wants to sit next to. So feel free to stay," she smiles and scoots closer to me. Butterflies swim around my stomach and my cheeks begin to turn red. I steady my breathing so that she doesn't realise how much I already love her. I'm not normally so cliché but: I feel like we are meant to be. We are soulmates, I'm sure of it. She's like fire and I'm like ice (irony) and together we create something beautiful.

After school I escort Natasha home, waiting until she unlocks the front door to walk away I wave goodbye to her. "Bye, Steve," her voice is full of happiness. "B-bye Nat," I wave awkwardly and start to walk off. I feel like my life is now complete and for once in my life I'm happy.

Okay, so I loved writing this one. I just thought that it wasn't something I'd done yet. So I hope you enjoyed this one. And just tell me if you'd like to see more of these in the future.
Spitfire out! Pew, pew 🛩

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