For fuc- Language!

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Warning, proceed with caution. Some endgame spoilers.

Narrator POV

  Steve and Natasha looked at each other. Their love passing to one another through their eyes. They'd been crushing on each for forever, but they still haven't built up enough courage to speak to each other and explain their feelings. Love isn't a thing to be meddled with, it's meant to go at the rate it needs to. But waiting patiently isn't what Tony does, he looks at a problem and he needs to fix it, right away. There's no telling him otherwise.

  Tony stands up and cleans his paintbrush for the 15th time. A smile on his face and paint on his trousers, he stares down at his two banners. One reading 'Nat I love you- Steve' and the other 'Steve I love you- Nat'. Tears streamed from his eyes with pride for his creation. Walking over to the metal ring at each corner he ties string on and glues it into place, and continues for each corner. Tony sauntered over to the ladder whilst whistling to 'Grace Kelly' by MIKA. Grabbing the first banner he attaches it to the first pole, he could get JARVIS to do this but it wouldn't be as fun. He continues to do this until both banners hung high.

  "One step, two step, three steps, fooouuuurrr," Tony sang loud and proud as he made his way down the ladder. "JARVIS, tell Capsicle and scary chick woman to come to the hall, they've a surprise!" A smile reached his eyes and I swear that a tear escaped his eyes. "Right away, sir," and with that, Tony made his way to the safety of his office. Because he knows that when Natasha sees his little show, he's as good as dead, maybe. It depends how heartless she would be to leave Peter without a Father and Morgan without a Father-figure. Oops wrong way round.

  I wonder what he wants now. No good thought was going through Natasha's head when she was informed that a surprise was waiting for her. And she believed that said surprise would be from Tony, so it wouldn't be good. Natasha stepped from the elevator and her eyes widened with shock, and a bit of fear. "Oh, crap," she muttered her words and the sound of an elevator opening caught her attention. As quick as a flash, she ran to the elevator and blocked the view of the banners, well she tried to.

  "Heyyyy, soldier," a nervous smile rose from Natasha and she hugged Steve whilst turning him away from the humiliation. Making up a story about a rubbish surprise, Tony saying his hair only had two white hairs, and saying he shouldn't waste his time Natasha insisted he went back to his room. But he didn't listen, God, why didn't he listen?

  Steve manouvered past Natatasha and then he saw the banners, those stupid banners, so stupid. They gleamed in his view and he knew that Tony was behind this.

14 minutes later
  Two very angry looking Avengers steamed into Tony's office, which he'd forgotten to lock. Whoops. Tony sunk further down into his chair hoping to become hidden. " I'm going to kill you, Stark," Natasha spat her words like poison at Tony. She was annoyed that he'd done something like that. But she was annoyed she didn't get to tell Steve first. "Okay, but before you kill me," Tony desperately looked at Natasha with an attempt of a cute face before he continued. "You love Steve, and Steve, you love Natasha. So I'll just leave you love birds alone and..." Tony distanced himself from them and slowly left. Steve looked at Natasha and smiled at her nervously. He tried to explain that it was "maybe true", because it's too hard for him to actually say it. And she tried to explain in to him because she loves him but everyone she loves leaves or dies.

  Fate had brought these two together and man made sure they stayed that way. Stars aligned that night and fate set their future. Love shone down on these two people and they made sure to love life back. Fate and love. Stars and nights.

  Alright, I hope you all loved that one. It's the longest one I've written so I hope you enjoyed. Love you all x


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