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Sorry I've not updated for a while, I've been working my butt off for our school production, and the final night of it is today. So thanks for the patience and here we go.

  It was dark. It was dark and for some reason I still knew where I was. I with him. He knew how to make me feel safe and I loved that. I don't know why. His arms are wrapped around me in some sort of protective way, like he's shielding me from something. (Pun intended 😉). Love is for children, that's what I told him two years ago. But now I can't leave the man. I love him too much. I. Love. Him.


  I didn't think that an assassin, murderer, spy deserved someone like America's Golden Boy but here I am: snuggling into him like he'll fade away any minute. I'm not good at showing affection, never have been. Last time someone tried to hug me I have him a broken nose and kicked him in the ribs, sorry Clint. But now I'm the lovestruck idiot who doesn't want to leave my boyfriends side. I'm scared that if he leaves, he won't come back. Just like everyone else.

  Everyone I ever had left. My father left me to the KPG and every other person I ever wanted left. Except Clint, he's stuck by my side. Through thick and thin, Budapest and New York. But now he has a family and I can't risk him. Those kids need a Father like Clint and I'm not going to stand in the way of that. Those kids near Clint much more than I do.

  So here I am, thinking about my past as I lay next to Captain America. Captain America! He's what every girl wants and I got him. I got him! Sorry girls but you'll have to go through me to get him, and No one survives the sting of the black widow. I must have started mumbling because Steve is staring at me like I'm mad. "What?!" He mumbles nothing and chuckles to himself as he turns away again.

  I carry on thinking about Steve and how lucky I am as sleep takes over.

Hope you all liked this one. I'll do the quiz stuff I promised you earlier and then get going on a new chapter. Love you all 3000 x

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