Budapest Bitch

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not a romanogers, just a friendship one where we find out what happened in Budapest

"...Budapest." Where to begin with? Well.....
{Jumping Jack Flash Back- couple of months a go}

"I'm boooorreddd," Clint moaned into Natasha's ear, annoying her even more. She hadn't wanted to take this case anyway. It wasn't anything special and any agent could take it on. So she couldn't see why they had to. Rescue the hostage and bring the terrorists in, alive. There weren't any famous people involved, little risk was there and little skills were needed. So why them?

Little did they know how tough it would get.

They landed the quinjet and walked into the hotel Fury had booked for them. "We've booked a room. It'll be under Skye Wells," she smiled at the man at the desk. He didn't attempt to look away as he stared straight at her upper private zone (Don't know if you lot want to hear that word, and it's rather weird to write as well) and he only looked away when Clint coughed to grab his attention.

After they got in the room Clint began to unpack. "You know we won't be here for long, why all the clothes?" Natasha smiled and waited for an answer.
"I saw you didn't pack anything, so I brought some things for you," Clint's innocent face smiled and all Natasha could do was laugh. Sometimes she hated him for being such an idiot but she did love/tolerate him at the end of the day. They started a plan for the next day unknowing of the terrors ahead.

After getting suited up Clint and Natasha got to the site. A nod to each other and they got into action. Clint's hands attached to the bow and Natasha holding her gun.

Soon enough they were inside. You'll be thinking, easy right? I mean, I made this huge lead up and now you're a bit disappointed. Well don't be. Because here comes the action. And a shocking surprise. The hallway was empty and the friends stared at each other in confusion. This was meant to be easy. But not this easy.

Pew, pew pew. Bullets cascaded around and the pair could only try to avoid the bullets. "Diermo!" Natasha's curse worried Clint as he took out the last few. **Diermo means sh%t in Russian** Crimson red dripped down the Russians suit as she gripped her side. She insisted they carry on going despite the pain and Clint agreed, well it's not like he could refuse. A young person sat in the middle of the room crying. Sorrow filled their eyes. They were a hostage, nothing that they'd done had led them here but here they were. Surrounded by terrorists with a gun to their head.

So, still not juicy enough. Well keep reading. Because here's the twist of fate. Natasha shot two of the five hostages and Clint shot another two with his arrows. They'd have gotten the other as well if he weren't threatening to kill you. Tada, here is the twist. A gun was pressed into your head and there wasn't many ways they could get you out without killing the last terrorist. They'd already gone against rules and basically killed everyone. Bang. B-bang. Two bullets escaped from two guns. One hit you in the chest and the other the terrorists skull.

Your POV

"(Y/N), it's okay. You'll be okay." Natasha's worried face looms above me. A single drop of blood splashes onto my face from my wound. I know I'm not going to be okay. I'm going to die. I know I am. But at least I get to go out in style. Bet the bullies can't laugh about this, but I know they will. It's what they all wanted and now it's here. Clint presses his hands against my wound as he tries to stem the bleeding. "It's o-okay. I'm fine. I-I am re ready to go," a cough escapes from me followed by a groan from the pain. I don't want to die but I know I will. Atleast I'll go in style.

"No! No it's not okay. You'll be fine. You'll be fine," Clints voice attempts to reassure me but I know it's too late. My vision starts to swim and dots swirl around. Darkness begins to take me and I just want the pain to go away. I just want it to go. "Y/N! Y/N!" Those are the last words I hear before I'm taken away from here- as I'm taken to the afterlife.

Hope you all liked this one. I've never written one before where I include you so I hope you liked it. If not please tell me so I don't embarrass myself again. If you did, let me know so I can write more like this. And sorry for the video below but I couldn't resist and I mean who doesn't like Horrible Histories. So enjoy the song. Love you all 3000 x

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