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Okay, so I live in the golden paved place called Chorley, Lancashire. Britain does have nice weather and I would totally pick coffee over tea contrary to popular belief. And unlike all the movies, us British (most of us) do NOT speak with a posh little accent.

It's nice where I live, there's stores all over and it's not a very expensive place. I would only trade in my home if I got to live in Greece, or with the Avengers but both seem pretty unlikely. I got my first job at 13 and earned quite a lot of money. I became a hard-core Marvel fan an around 10 and even went to the cinemas to watch Captain America: Civil War. It was awesome.

And who else wants to know what happened in Budapest?

I have two great parents whom I love very much. My little sister can be annoying but I wouldn't change her a bit. My older brother is awesome. And I have a twin sister who I have grown up with and she's the best. My twin actually encouraged me to write this book so we should all be thankful for her. I have a crazy bestie who I'm pretty sure will end up famous for her songs and her epic singing. So that's all me. Tell me a bit about yourself.

I absolutely love you lot and I am so proud to have so many people reading my book. And remember, if any of you ever have a problem or something you don't want to tell anyone near then I'm here for you. Life can be tough sometimes and we all need someone to help us get through. Love you all 3000 x

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