happy birthday

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  Before I start I want to wish Threo_Ringo a good birthday. Have a great day

  It was her birthday. I remember her strict words last week: "don't get me anything or I will kill you," isn't she sweet? But I know she's never had a great birthday so surely I owe Natasha that. I was thinking of surviving the present giving and the cake making and maybe then I could take her for dinner, because let's face it- I can't cook.

  It's 01:45 right now and I'm just looking at her like a creep. Doubts of trying to surprise her flurry through me but I force myself to shake them away. I have to make sure this day is perfect, because I'll either die or she'll be happy, and that's what she deserves.

  Everything is ready, I mean I think I went a bit over the top on icing but I reckon she'll love it, hopefully. All the presents are wrapped and balloons are blown up. Banners are strung up and I can't wait to see her reaction. I mean, she'll probably punch me for stupid and childish but I need to make today great. I sneak back into the bedroom and think of the great plans I plan on doing today.

  I have literally had no sleep, it's around 39° (124.2°F) out there and it is way too hot. Soft whirring is being let off by the fan at the side of the bed and the cool air travels around the room. Sweat drenches my back, my face and my pillow but I still lie as still as I can, because it's her birthday and I don't want to wake her. As I stare to the side of me two eyes look me dead in the face. "Ohmygod," my heart beats faster and I smile slightly. I tell her to be quiet and not kill me as I cover her eyes and lead her into the living room. I lift my hands from over her face, "ta dah!"

  Her face seems to light up with happiness and she spins around and hugs me. "I thought I told you not to do anything? But I do like it." I reply with a 'Well what type of boyfriend would let you not celebrate your birthday?' She seems to be happy so atleast I don't think I'll die today.

  She opens all of her presents and each one she grew more like a little child who never got to love. At every present she grew more happy and it made me smile at how simple it was. Sure it cost me a hell of a lot to get all the stuff, but it's not like I know what she likes. Apparently she likes films like Endgame, never-ending story and the goonies but hey, it's her birthday.

  As the day comes to an end it sinks in to how much she liked it. The sky is a mixed colour of purple, pink and yellow and it still doesn't look half as beautiful as Natasha. A smile on her face is all I ever wanted out of today and it's safe to say that I achieved that. Soft hoots of owls cover the night sky and I know that today couldn't have been better.

  So happy birthday again Threo_ringo, have a great day. This one was dedicated to you so I hope you loved it.
Love you all 3000 x

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