Madness and Sadness

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Not a ship one shot. A friendship

"Loki, King of Michief and Madness. You may bow if you please," his eyes glinted with evil and a smirk arose. He looked down and looked directly at the teenager in front of him. "Boo!" His eyes widened for affect and the child laughed. Loki would have to try harder to scare the Spider teen. He just stared at him and shook his head, smiling at his friend. "Want to cause... trouble?" Peter stared up and smiled michieviously.

After stealing Tonys clothes and replacing then with Natasha's they were round abouts done with their trouble. But not quite. Last but not least, they had to annoy Director Fury. Now this would be fun. "Have you got it?" The elder man asked. "Yup," Peter asked struggling to contain laughter. After they finished with that they sat back and waited for their tricks to unravel.

A scream echoed through the building, "aaarrrggghhh!!!" Fury screamed and ran out of his office. The ginger cat trailed behind him and seemed to laugh at the horror it had caused. Peter and Loki cackled and shook from the mischief they had caused. The two were aware the trouble they would be in, but it was worth it. For those expressions, it was worth it. Tony yelling was also heard and they laughed even more. But it was shot lived when Natasha threatened them, "If my clothes aren't returned, I will kill you," she smiled and walked away.

  The men rolled their eyes and began to round up her clothes, it was fun and all, but not worth dying for. Loki put all the clothes pack into her wardrobe but he wasn't ready to be nice yet. He wanted a little payback against his brother- and Peter knew exactly what to do. After dinner Peter ran into the lounge and planted the plan. A fake.

  A bit later....

  Thor left the room to grab another beer and when he did Peter put his plan in action- running after the God. "Mr Thor, umm excuse me. You left this and I didn't know if you needed it." He smiled widely and handed Mjölnir to the man. Thor's eyes grew as wide as the smile as the little human handed him the hammer. He was flabbergasted and ran into to the kitchen, where Mjölnir was, to realise it still was. The man let out a breath that he didn't realise he was holding. Relaxing whilst realising he was still the only worthy one.

  The little troublemaker went back to eat dessert. On his way, he wanted to apologise to Natasha- he didn't fancy getting killed and thought this was the way to do it. Little did he know that Tony was stalking him, making sure he didn't get into more trouble.

  Instead of knocking he just opened the redheads door and gasped from shock of what he was seeing. "C-C-captain. N-Nat-Natasha." He giggled nervously and began to take a step back. Natasha yelled about how she was going to kill him when Tony ran and grabbed the kid, to potentially save his life. Tony burst into the main room and screamed excitedly.

  "Romanogers is real, baby!!!" Tony screamed some more as well when Natasha punched him.

  I enjoyed reading this by Threo_Ringo. I loved it. She is an amazing writer! Truly great!
And I hope you all liked this one as much as I did. Love you all 3000 x

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