Always His, Part 1

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Natasha POV

I love him. I'm not sure if I'm actually meant to have these types of affection for a person but I do, and I'm not afraid to admit it. To myself anyway. I would love to hug up with him in winter, I'd love to share the love I feel for him more, and I would: if I could. But for now, I'll just hide them from everyone else.

I'm supposed to be a badass. So, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I'd end up with Captain America. I mean he's America's Golden boy, and I'm an assassin. We just don't go together. We are like coffee and milk though, he's sweet and innocent and just wants to brighten me up in this dark world. And I'm dark and mysterious, not really needing this sort of light.

He came into my life and I was welcomed into his life. A life full of love and happiness. A life full of no judgement and pride. A life full of safety. He's saved me from this cruel and lonely world and I'm grateful. Of course I'm grateful, I'd be stupid not to be. Normally, I don't know where I can that's safe. But I can always rely on him.


I will always be his, always. "Whatcha doing?" A voice disturbs me from my thoughts but I don't mind. Because he is my thoughts. I go up to Steve and hug him. He seems shocked at first and then hugs me back. "Thank you," he looks at me questionably and I just hug him again. I know that it isn't my style: all hugs and happiness but I love him. Grabbing hold of his t-shirt I pull him closer to me, kissing his lips. Pulling away I smile at him and it's then that I realise how lucky I am to have him.

23:41 or 11:41pm

Steve lies down next to me on our bed. I turn to my side to look at him and smile. His eyes glow with love for me, yet I don't know why. I'm a bad person, I'm a monster and somehow he only sees good in me. I don't know why, but I know that I'm not good enough for him. I'll never be good enough, and yet he still loves me. I shuffle my head into his chest and I relax, he makes me feel safe, he makes me feel known.

I wake up at 6:03am to find that Steve isn't there. Of course he's not there, he doesn't love you. You're a monster. I shake the thought out of my head: he's probably eating breakfast or something. Walking downstairs I start to think of places Steve could be: the kitchen to have breakfast, outside on a run, in his room because why would he want to be near me? And the gym. Yes, the gym- he never leaves the place.

Walking down to the gym I begin to hear the sounds of someone hitting a punching bag- it's Steve.  I walk in and I see what I don't want to. He's crying- yes, crying. I don't know why. But I have to find out. This is already killing me because he's hurting and I don't know why. But I need to. I will.

Fighter jets, to let you know the next part of this story will be called Always Hers. This is due to the fact that it is in Steve's POV. So don't worry, just enjoy it. Thank you again for everything that you lot give me.
Spitfire out! Pew, pew 🛩

Ps, anyone who reads the next part, don't watch the music video if you haven't seen Endgame, there are spoilers.

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