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Steve is in a coma and Nat feels she is to blame- requested by Threo_Ringo

Natasha sat by his bed and held his hand whilst she blamed herself. It was her mission to go to The WhisUp and get the kids out. But of course he'd joined, Steve would never let Natasha get hurt.....

"Steve, you shouldn't be here. Now go before you get hurt," worry filled her expressions. She normally didn't care about people but Steve, Steve was different. She cared about him, and if he got hurt because of her then she wouldn't forgive herself. But he was stubborn. He would not allow Natasha to get hurt because then he would never forgive himself. There was no point in her arguining with him, he would never give in.

"You shouldn't have been so bloody stupid to come with me. I should have made you stay. I'm sorry," a single tear danced its way down her cheek, leaving an icy river. Her eyes were bloodshot like a zombie, bags under her eyes showing how little sleep she had gotten. But she wouldn't willing leave his side, not willingly. Natasha had to be there for when he woke up, she felt that she had to apologise, like she believed that it was all he was going to think about. That he would blame her.

They finally arrived at the place and Steve looked at Natasha, nodding slowly to aniciate the start of their mission. It was going to be hard- but it always was. Their mission was simple- rescue the hostages and get out safe. But safe is overrated. Even the most simple of things hide something even bigger: even dangerous. A slow ticking noise arose from the corner. "Crap! Natasha!" The worried captain threw his partner behind a desk as he dealt with the full impact.

   Sorry I've not updated in like ever. I've been swamped with homework and I'm entering a competition so I'm focusing on that as well. I am so sorry and I hope to do part 2 soon. Love you all 3000 x

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