Harm isn't hurt PART 1

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"You should do one were Nat gets hurt and the only place she feels safe is at Steves and so she makes her way there. But, when Steve helps her out they both fall head over heels in love with each other and can't muster the strength to admit their feelings to one another. Will they finally muster the strength to grab the bull by it's horns? Or will they both go there separate ways and live in regret?" -Threo_Ringo

  The pain seared through my side as I collapsed to the hard tarmac. Black dots appeared before my eyes and I shook my head to try and clear my vision. The man I was running from has caught up to me and I am aware I have to get somewhere safe. And there's only one place I can think of.

  Knock. Knock. Knock. My vision starts to swim and I need the door to open. "Oh god!" Those were the last words I heard before I felt myself being welcomed into a large pair of arms.

  Urgh. My hand goes over to where I was hit and I notice that my torso has been bandaged up. "Hi," Steve looks at me and I feel relieved. For one second out there I thought I was going to die. But he was there to protect me, not really there but he still saved me. I quickly apologise for coming to his but there wasn't any where else I could think of going. He says it was no problem but that doesn't stop the overwhelming feeling of guilt consuming me.


  At this moment in time I realise those three words. The three words I never thought I was capable of thinking. But I do. I love him. It's always been deep inside of me but I couldn't accept it. It wasn't who I was. But now I can see it. The care I feel for Steve has been laying dormant for months and it's ready to erupt. My life has meaning and it's him. He is my life, my meaning.

  I wake up the next to day to the sweet aroma of..... burnt waffles. Now I never expected the man to be able to cook, but he could at least try not to burn what he attempts to make. I walk into the kitchen and see his face. The face of regret and disappointment, and it is SO cute. His blonde hair is all over the place and it is the most adorable sight ever.

  I want to tell him that I love him. But I can't. It could ruin everything and I can't lose the only family I have. Him.

  Okay, peeps. I will do the second part tonight or tomorrow. Sorry it took so long to update. Love you all 3000 x


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