I can't do that PART 2

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  Not ever.

  Those were the words that went through his head. He had tried so hard to fight his feelings for Natasha. But no matter how much he fought, they would always come back. They would always be stronger and deeper. They would always be there.

  It had taken everything inside Steve to tell Natasha how he felt, it was a risk to see if she felt the same. A risk he had to take. But then he got shot down. Pushed away. Rejected. She didn't like him, not in that way. In that moment he felt like the world had tipped upside down. Like nothing made sense. Like he had lost everything. In that moment he not only lost the woman he loved, he probably lost his friend as well. He had lost everything for feelings. Some stupid feelings.

  He had hoped that she felt the same. That somewhere deep down she loved him too. But she didn't. She doesn't. She never would.

  Steve wanted to chase after Natasha when she had walked off, but he couldn't. She had hurt him and he knew it wasn't her fault. Love worked in mysterious ways and it obviously wasn't made for him.

  Last time he loved someone he sacrificed himself and crashed a plane. He lost that woman. This time, he got pushed away and crashed an emotional plane. He lost that love. He wasn't meant for the world. He was too broken, too pure. Steve was made to die years ago and now it felt like death was catching up to him. He tried to stand but his vision began to slim. As he tried to take a step he noticed his legs begin to buckle. He wasn't aware of what was happening but all he could do was wish it would take the pain away.

  He could wish.

  "Natasha, Steve has been admitted to hospital," those words terrified the hell out of her. She couldn't love him but that doesn't mean she wanted him to be hurt. To die. "He's what?! He better be fine or I'm going to fu-".

  Hey people. Trying to keep it PG this chapter. Although I think I failed. Anyway, this is for Romanogers_3000 because they wanted another part. So all thank them. Not me. Love you all 3000 x


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