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She truly wanted a soul hole I don't want to hurt her. I want her happiness over anything. But it will grant her more pain then anything. She will beg me to stop she does not know what she's doing.
I was meeting dark today I sent her a text and left as I picked up my clothes on the way out and hers I put mine in then opened the door and drove to darks.
I knocked on the door.
"Hey Anti" he opened the door
"Hey man" he rubbed my head
"What's wrong" he asked
"My girlfriend.." I sighed
"You have a lady friend?" He smirked
"Yes not the point she wants a soul hole!" I hissed Darks eyes widened.
"Are you serious" he growled
"It's not my fault" I yelled
"Getting this soul hole was the worst experience of my damn life" Dark pulled me in the house
"Anti do it!" He smiled
"No way!" I yelled
"Why not!" He pouted
"I LOVE HER!" I screamed
"Demons can't love" he smirked and leaned against a door frame
"I am in love with her.. her smile and her laugh her orgasm face" I chuckled his eyes widened
"Do you think.." he got closer to me
"She is my assigned human.." I looked at him
"Did she touch you soul hole" he smiled
"Y-Yes" I stuttered
"Holy shit dude! Congrats!" He hugged me
"What do I do.." I asked
"Marry her as soon as possible take her as your own you CANT lose her!" He grabbed my arms
"I mean about he soul hole" I sighed
"Give it to her.." dark seemed upset
"Buts she's human it's gonna..hurt..a lot" I was about to cry
"You have to Anti to make her yours" he frowned I nodded
"Tell me how it go's.." he patted my back.
"Thanks" I groaned and he closed the door behind me.
I drove home thoughts racing through my head
I came up to the house and y/n was changed and looked happy.
She noticed my sad aura right away.
"Do you want a soul hole.." I asked
"YES!" She smiled
I threw her over my shoulder and brought her to the base meet I strapped her to a table and took off her shirt.
"Anti.." she seemed scared
"I warned you this is going to be very painful.."
I sighed I had tears going down my face. I laid my hand on her chest above her heart. I pushed down she didn't care at first then started asked me to stop then started screaming.
"ANTI PLEASE STOP! PLEASE! IM BEGGING YOU!" She slipped her one hand free and grabbed my wrist pulling it away she was crying and screaming.

Y/n pov

I can't breathe my bones were breaking. I was pushing anti away with all my strength. I was screaming and crying
"PLEASE I CHANGED MY MIND  PLEASE" I screamed I was pleading and sobbing then I hit the peak of pain and I let out a horrible scream and it all stopped I felt numb he untied me and took off my blind fold. I was covered in black goo and blood.
"W-why" I sobbed he held me
"I'm so so sorry" he cried into my neck
"Why didn't you stop"  I cried
"You would have died" he picked me up I was so sore.
"I'm so sorry baby I didn't want to but you asked and I wanted to make you happy.." he cried he made his way upstairs and I clutched him roughly.

"Okay y/n just don't move and stay here" she curled herself in a ball and cried. I felt horrible I went and made soul tea. It's human souls in tea! It makes demons feel better..

I went upstairs
"y/n drink this.." I gave her the tea she took a sip and liked it! I smiled she took a breath and put her tea on a side table. She reached for me and I scooted closer she hugged me.
"Anti..that hurt.." she cried into my chest
"I know I'm so sorry.." I rubbed her back I could feel wings forming.
"You know your a demon now.." I looked down at her.
"What!" She yelled
"I know I should have told you.." I started sobbing
"No no you have things to tell me!" She yelled and stood up then fell over.
"I know I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" I held her in my arms.
"No this is not okay!" She cried
"I know I'm so sorry please don't hurt yourself lemme carry you to bed you need sleep" I held her
"No..I want answers!"  She sniffled
"I told you everything your a demon and you have a soul hole.." I smiled she looked at me
"Any more surprises?" She asked
"Your gonna get wings.." I smiled her eyes lit up
"That's awesome!" She smiled and sat up
"Oh fuck that hurt.." she immediately grabbed my arms again. I held her I held her tightly I held her like I was never gonna let go.
"Y/n you need to rest" I smiled she was falling asleep in my arms.
I laid her in the bed she fell asleep I grabbed my phone immediately and called Dark.
"Hey what's up?" I heard his pissed voice
"I did it.." I groaned
"Oh fuck really!" He cheered
"Hold on she cried she freaked out I can't undo this.." I cried
"Hey Anti it happens all the time calm down" he tried to calm me down.
"Did you give her soul tea and make her sleep" he asked
"Yes.." I muttered caressing her cheek as she slept.
"She cried" I shook I remember the tears like it was nothing. Her screams and face.
" truly love her don't you.." he sighed
"I do..I purely and utterly love her" I smiled
"Okay tell me when she wakes up and I'll come over"  he ordered
"Wait why?" I asked
"I wanna meet her!" He laughed
"Alrighty then" I smiled
"Bye my prostitute is here!" He smiled and hung up

"Smooth" I smiled and tossed my phone onto a chair I kissed her head and started to make more soul tea she's gonna need it.

Y/n pov (5 hours later)

"Anti.." I called out no one answered I stood up and shuffled around I heard him rushing toward me he hugged me.
"Y/n I'm so sorry this happened to you" he held me tightly
I felt heavy and like I was gonna fall.
"What do you mean" I asked
"Your..wings.." he muttered.  

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now