Bad news

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Hey guys I'm still uncertain about the future of this book...I'm sorry..


Antis POV

I woke up to y/n groaning and crying..

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I turned it was like 3 AM
" stomach really hurts..." she cried into my chest
"Awh it's okay sweets..I'm going to get you a demon doctor okay?" I kissed her head and texted satan..
"Okay here we go..Satan is coming.." I held her as she cried..

Satan started to appear slowly in the back of the room.
"What the hell do you possibly need at 3- Y/N?! IS SHE CRYING?!" He ran to her and threw me off the bed
"Hello to you too.." I groaned
"Awh baby what's wrong I can help it's okay.." he held her softly cuddling her..

"My stomach really hurts.." she cried more
"It's okay baby..what have you down recently? Any rough sex? Did anti beat your guts like he promised..?" Satan scooped her up and went up to the 4th floor...
"We have a 4th floor?" She asked through tears
"Yes baby.." I held her hand she squeezed my hand back
He opened the demon room for when something goes sexually wrong for demons I can bring them here.

He laid her down and stared at her...
"Are you pregnant?" He asked
"No..I just had my period.." she admitted
"And? You also just had sex.." he felt her stomach for a form of life..

"Nope you were right." He looked at her again..

"Oh wait..lay on your stomach." He helped her roll over.
He felt her back she clutched the blanket in agony..
"Yup..your Uterus is behind your rib cage.." he wrote something down.

"What?!" She yelled
"Hey don't worry I can fix it.." he kissed her head.
"Promise?" she asked in fear
"Promise" he hugged her.

"When?" She asked
"Tomorrow.." he stated and started to leave
As he closed the door she fell into my arms I held her
"Why that fuck does something always go wrong?" She held me in tears
"Don't worry when we get married one day all of these issues will go away.." I kissed her
"Why marriage.." she was spiraling
"Well in demon love you really have to love them..for marrying and you and I would be nearly one person. Whenever I want I could chime in and same for you we would be blood same..and our child would be a perfect 50/50 mix so it would t be anything from your mom or dad or mine it just us it's hard to explain but you'll understand..we would truly be one and in live it's a huge commitment cause we don't have divorce.."I started to walk around the fourth floor..

"What's in the room?" She pointed
"The pool.."
"Strip club.."
"When was the house this big?" She asked
"Since you first moved in" I laughed
"Oh I guess I spend to much time downstairs" she wiggles to touch the floor she was walking but slowly and holding my WHOLE ASS ARM.

"You're so cute.." I held her hand.
"Do you think we could ever fuck like that again..?" I asked her

"Yes! That's was the best sex we've ever had!" She held onto me tighter.

I brought her to the balcony
"Woah it beautiful here.." she went straight to the edge.
"CARFUL!" I grabbed her waist and pulled her back.
"AH!" She screamed in pain.
"Oh my god! I'm so so sorry" I set her down.

"Meanie" she held her stomach
"I'm sorry dear" I sat down with her and we cuddled

"It is very pretty.." she looked out
"It is.." I rested my head on the glass..
"Yeah..I like it.." she cuddled under my arm.

"Y/n can I ask you something?" I rose a brow
"I've had the question for awhile" I admitted
"What's up?" She cozied up more.
"Do you ever think someone hotter then me will come along and take you.." I looked down tears filled my eyes at the thought of someone taking her.

"Ha! No!" She laughed
"Then how come Dark could.." I looked at her beautiful e/c eyes as the glistened with sadness.

"I-..that night it was like.....well..why are you asking this.." she sat back out of my reach..
"I'm worried I'll lose you..I can't lose my baby.." I leaned to grab her. She moved back,

"I wasn't the only one who made a mistake.." she huffed
"I know but..I'm still worried Kelly is not a worry compared to Dark.." I slumped

"Anti what brought this on..Dark is gone and I'm sorry! I beat myself up for it every minute!" She started crying

"I'm sorry.." I opened my arms and she fell into them
"I didn't mean too.." she clutched my shirt.

"You need sleep.." I picked her up and carefully brought her to our room.
She was like glass I felt as if a slight move could shatter her. She was clearly exhausted, I laid her on her side and crawled next to her she clutched onto me like a koala.

Her sweet little figure was terrified, cold, sick,tired.

It was my fault..
She needs normality
She needs a good boyfriend
I can't do that
I'm not good for her
She's too perfect
Im going to break her
I'm reckless..
My poor baby..

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now