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I held Antis hand as the last few people arrived his family was here, Anti and Satan stood with Antis father in the corner they were quiet.

I took a breath and walked behind him and poked his shoulder he tensed then saw me,
"Hi!" I smiled he brought under his arm,
"Hey sweetheart how's your head?" I asked his arm snaked around my shoulder.

His father stared at me,
"Hello!" I waved shyly.
"You to are getting married?" He asked Anti jumped
"Excuse me?" I leaned slightly into the conversation.
"You have a iron ring make around your engagement finger meaning you got an engagement ring and didn't wash off the iron Mark now what in surprised at is that Anti got an iron ring and not gold." He father blurted making sure to keep his voice low Satan was wide eyed
"Your getting married?! I'm your maid of honor." He grabbed my hands
"Shush! You can't say anything!" I covered his mouth and gave a quick glance each way.

I could feel him smiling,
"Good lord Anti you own a whole company, iron?"
He father reprimanded
"It's hold! She was wearing a different ring earlier it's probably that! I'll show you when we announce it." Anti huffed
I stepped back into Antis arm, he put his hand around my waist.
Anti and I slowly drifted into the people then full force someone tackled Anti,

He turned to see his sister
"HI!" She cheered Anti laughed
"Hello Annabelle.." he pushed himself up pulling his sister too.
"Your pretty." She looked me up and down then went to attack Andy.

I laughed Anti gave me an uneasy look.
"I'm sorry my family is..very," he carried off
"Outgoing?" I held held hand
"Yeah.." he frowned
"It's okay sweetie, they need to go dress shop-" he covered my mouth
"No. My mother will control your whole part of the wedding!" He whisper yelled
"Oh.." I sighed
"That's kinda sad.." I huffed
"What's wrong?" He asked holding my cheeks
"Uhm..I kinda want family to be there.." I frowned
"I can- I can't. Uhm Satan? No. My Dad?" He asked I flinched
"Would that be awkward?" I asked
"Yeah..damn I'm sorry Y/n.." he groaned. We walked together saying hello until we all started to sit down and Anti was restless people quickly took notice.

"Your very hyper." Gianna growled he gave her a death glare.
"And? It's good to be hyper!" He rose his brows smiling.

"I wanna tell them." He groaned
"You said wait until the main course is served" I slapped his hand. Snatching the ring so he couldn't expose us.

He slumped slightly, the main course was set onto the table.
"Uh." Anti stuttered getting nervous now,
"Do it glitch bitch." His ears perked Satan day next to me and rolled his eyes.
"Yo bitches! Anti has a thing he's doing!" He stood up putting his hand in his hip catching eyes that drafted to Anti.
"Hey! Hi uhm." he stuttered as he chocked on his words.

"We are getting..." I started for him
"married! Y/n and I are getting married!" Anti cheered getting confidence. Adam practically threw Satan and pounced on me.

"REALLY!" He started screaming I laughed I handed Anti the ring.

He slipped it on my finger I showed it off. Sparkling eyes staring at the glitter of the diamond his father gave an approving look as Adam cried into my shoulder.

"My bestfriend is getting married!" He cried soaking my shoulder I laughed. Satan pried him off my arm and had a firm grasp on him.

"Anti! You should have told your mother! I can't WAIT to dress shop with you!" His mom grasped my hand.

I gave an uneasy glance
"It's beautiful." She got a wicked smile, I pulled my hand away and sat down a new conversation started.

"Hey so good news!" Gianna clapped her hands together.
"I got signed to a reality challenge show! You know? Like with two teams and challenges! One of those" she smiled
"Oh shit! That's fucking dope!" Anti chimed
"Yeah I get to pick a team of ten people so bitches who wants to be on my team?" She smiled.
I looked to Anti
"Yes. Count us in," Anti chimed
Gianna wrote them down,

Her list went


She smiled admiring her list
"This fit perfectly!" She cheered
"Duh it's because I'm perfect" Mark dramatically flipped his hair and almost fell back.

I felt Antis hand snake up my thigh, my eye darted to him but I didn't move my head,

I closed my legs taking my thigh from him he smirked, pulling hand hand back above the table his dad noticed his antics.
"Andrew?" He rose his brows Anti corrected his posture and sitting and smiled at his dad uneasily
"Yes?" He answered I smiled and stifled and laugh

"Nice," I whispered and turned back to my conversation.
He gave me a genuine smile and kissed my cheeks.
"Anyway the contest is competing for 100,000 dollars." Gianna smiled
"All though we are a team we have to defeat the other team then compete. It should take a whole month." Gianna nervously trailed off,
"Either way we all get 1,000 dollars so no one goes home empty handed." She shrugged we exchanged looks.
"I'm still going," Laci shrugged
"Me too." Anti gave Laci a fist bump.
"Good!" Gianna smiled and tucked her list in her pocket.

We continued to chat and laugh. Slowly people started to leave until the last person was out the door. Anti grabbed my waist.

"Hi~" he kissed my cheek and spun my around.
"Hey" I smiled as he kissed all over my face.

"Okay love I'm gonna go workout feel free to do as you please" he smiled and turned jogging up the stairs. His shirt slightly hugging his muscles.

I huffed and ventured off into the house gazing down at the shine of the ring. Until I ran into a relatively small woman.
"Ah- watch out bitch!" She growled
"Excuse me!" I rose my brows anger pulsing through me.

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