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I stretched myself feeing Y/n, resting on top of me. I glanced down, seeing her enjoying her sleep, I carefully rested her in her own spot.

Then slid out from under the covers, I stood up to get in the shower, I made sure the water was nice before I started to undress, I glanced in the mirror and groaned.

I need to shave...I scratched my beard, I then started to get in the shower, the water soothed me, then I imagined...a baby.

That would stress Y/n and I so much. I flipped my hair back,
I then heard the door open,
"I need to pee." She groaned
"I won't listen go ahead baby..." I feel back into though as the water hugged my body and kept a firm grip on me.

I started to rub soap through my hair, I could my help but feel guilty for putting the wrong thing inside her.

Even when she told me no.

God I'm horrible.

Every other human is shit to me but...Y/n.

She makes me nervous and self conscious.

It scares me.

I then saw the curtain get pulled back, I looked to see sweet little Y/n. Biting her lip, she looked me up and down. Then she smiled and closed the curtain.

"Baby! Come back!" I whined,
"No! I just wanted to see! That's it!" She laughed
"I'll be gentle! I won't fuck you!" I called again, I then heard her re enter and I listened to her clothing drop,I smiled when I finally watch her emerge from the other side.

I held her close to me, getting her wet, I started to rub her down getting her wet, then pulled her under water,
"What are you doing?"
"Cleaning my baby- I have to take care of you! You might be carrying my child!" I was carful with her delicate skin.
"Anti— I don't understand..."
"What is there that you don't get? I'm just making sure your clean!" I kissed the bridge of her nose and got some shower gel, putting it in my palm. I set the bottle down, then carefully lathered her body, the smell of lavender abused my nose.

I carefully caressed her soft skin, making sure to get every part of her,
"What are you doing?" She gazed into my eyes,
"Taking care of you." I kept washing her, then pulled her under the water.

I rinsed off the soap, watching bubbles go down the drain.

"Are you relaxed?"
"It's calming.." she closed her eyes, I decided to bring her back to heaven, I held her close, our soaking wet bodies pushed against each other, she held my waist as I started to bring us.

She appeared in front of me, in a white void, she looked around in confusion,
Then sand appeared, hugging our feet, then she slowly started to walk, coming in my direction until I felt water kiss my feet and disappear.

We both turned to an ocean, with a war of warm colors fighting for space in the sky, she stared in disbelief at the beautiful beach view.

I saw her smile tug at her soft lips, I bit mine and put my hand along the side of her face, I caressed her cheek bone, then she brought me in for a kiss.

I gladly kissed her, getting to lost in it, bringing us back to the shower, the water beating down on us, I slowly pulled away from my passion filled kiss.

"Wow. That was—...perfect..." she muttered in disbelief of the beauty behind our romance.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" I reached behind her turned off the water.
"That was pure bliss." I watched her hold me giving a soft hug.

I needed her so bad.

Yet. She does not want to fuck.

Because of that fucking baby.

I yearned for her legs around my waist, her soft touch as her moans and screams of pleasure rang like a song in my ears, waiting for her to finish.
Waiting. Waiting for her sweet release, the way she tensed and almost broke in a scream, the way she became a new person.

The way she said my name.

"Just like that, baby..." I moaned into her shoulder,
"Ah! Uh- never mind...I need to shave..." I stuttered and held her softly clearly not wanting to let go.

She stepped off first, her soft expression grew a perfect smile, her lips were perfect, her eyes glistening in the bathroom light, she the reached her hand around the curtain looking for a towel, I watched her grab one and wrap it around her.

She was covered again, I don't think she knows her perfection.

I watched her step out and leave me alone in the shower.

The room without her became darker, I groaned and stepped out I tied the towel around my waist.

I saw her clothes were gone, it made me feel alone.

I started to get shaving cream on my stubble so I could shave it to my preferred size.

I carefully started to dig for my razor, then dragged it along my face.

I ran it under the water, the shaving cream falling into the sink, I saw a clothed Y/n appear behind me.

I watched her wrap her arms around my waist, then she took the razor, I looked down, she tilted my head back up and started to get the places I could never get right.

I smiled, my lips Changing my face shape,
"Stop. I don't want you to get cut..." she rose her brows, then continued, she got it perfectly,
"Holy shit."
"What? Did I fuck it up?" She started to clean off the access shaving cream.
"No, you did really good..." I helped her wipe off my stubble.

"Okay baby! I'm glad you like it!" She smiled I finally looked at myself,
She had a clean cut and a light stubble that made me feel cleaner and well kept.

I looked down at her, she smiled, I gave her a soft kiss,
"Yes, my love?"
"I wanted to tell you this in the shower but—...I'm gonna tell you now."
"What's up?" I put my hands on her waist and lifted her to sit on the sink. She had the face of a guilty prisoner. Horrified.
"I don't want to have a baby yet,"
"Y/n. Does that mean-"
"I'd I'm pregnant I want an abortion."

She wants an abortion.
She wants to get rid of our baby.
My baby.

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