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I stirred hearing screaming, Anti looking disgusted
"What?" I whispered
"Dark is fucking you mom in our room.." Anti said back.
"It's sound proof in here they can't hear us..but we can hear them.." he had a chill go down his spine.

"You look like you mom a little.." Anti looked back
"OH DARKY! HARDER!" She called
"ew." I walked up to him holding him from behind..
"I know yuck..4 hours" he turned around and he scooped me Bridal style. She snuggled into my neck. I could feel her period pains.
I set her on the couch and put a computer in front of her.
"Go ahead to Netflix pick a movie" I kissed her head she huffed
"Fucking hell!" Dark screamed from the next room I grabbed headphones and set them on her head. She flinched and gripped my hand then realized what I was doing I let me put head phones on her she picked a movie and started watching I started flipping through demon laws seeing if this was legal. It almost was but he made one mistake.

If I can get to Satan first..I can get him arrested I put my law book down. I saw y/n was intent with her movie so I decided to head to hell. Misted into hell and took a breathe the hot air was soothing. I then became my demon self and started to head to the castle it felt like forever but I got there finally my clothes were torn and a few girls tried to make moves. I got to his castle though time to explain everything to him.

"Anti!" He low voice cheered!
"My favorite hellion!" He towered over me
"Morning sir!" I waved he rested his hand on my shoulder
"What brings you here? I haven't seen you in forever! How's your father?" He smiled he was nearly skipping down the halls.
"My dad is doing okay...uhm it's about Dark" I scratched the back of my neck he scoffed he was never fond of dark he never liked how neat he was. He liked me a lot better cause I was reckless.

"Did he get a girlfriend? Or is he still a man whore" I took a breath in and explained everything the cheating the lies Y/n and her mother. Satan sat there wide eyed
"You..GOT A GIRLFRIEND?!" He jumped Pure joy in his face
"Oh my god you should bring her here! We should have some wine! Oh my god please go get her!" He shook me violently
"She's in huge danger..dark wants her dead remember" his face went pure anger a snap of his fingers. Dark and Y/n's mom appeared she had a latex bunny outfit and he was in his boxers.

"What the fuck.." I shook
"I know she looks like y/n right? She's fucking hot!" Dark smiled then saw Satan..
"Why the fuck am I here" concern rose over his tone
"You wanna kill y/n?!" Satan started to choke dark he tried to explain in fear.
"Anti pleaseee get you're lovely girlfriend" Satan ordered yet..nicley I snapped my fingers she was in sweats and a cute t shirt.

She saw dark and hid behind me
"Oh my god she's like a puppy" Satan scooped her up and by force of habit she punched him in the nose.
"No! Y/n don't worry his..a good guy a..bad guy.." I tried to explain she looked confused
"I'm Satan.." he rubbed his nose
"I'm y/n" she smiled Satan put her in his back. He carried her around and acted like she a was a lost puppy. He saw dark in the floor,

"Y/n's been so long.." her mom smiled she whispered something to satan.
"You're a bitch" Satan growled she stepped back. He clapped his hands

"Okay so! You two are gonna go to the dungeon and imma take y/n shopping anti you can do whatever but I'm taking your girlfriend!" He flicked Dark and Y/ns mom to the dungeon.

As they left I sat down, sweet little y/n she's gonna have a great time with Satan..I decided to vist my demon side of the family.


"Y/n?" Satan pokes my back
"Yeah" I turned around
"You have to tell me who was better Dark or Anti.." his words were low and they made my gut twist.
" let's just say this theirs a reason I can't go many rounds with Anti.." I scratched me back.
"That can go Both ways..I know he is not he good?" He asked
"So good" I smiled to myself
"And Dark?" He seemed to envy his name
"He was good.." I hesitated
" you have to answer with their name." He leaned in
"Anti.." I smiled
"Oh my god! Yes!" He jumped
"Can I ask something now?" I leaned against the clothes rack.
"What?" He turned
"Are you gay?" I asked
"Duh." He shrugged and laughed
"Dear lord.." I smiled
Then I looked up and saw out of the forever 666 my heart leaped.
Anti was in a trench coat and sunglasses a fedora pulled over his face. I tugged on Satans arm,
"Oh my god! Is that Anti!" He shook me
"Is he spying on us.?!" I growled
"He wants his baby for Valentine's Day!" Satan scratched my back.
"Awh he's such a baby.." I smiled and continued to look through the clothing rack. But no.
Satan wrapped his hands around my waist and put me on his shoulder walking outside. I stared at anti who saw us and tarted the other way.

"Awh.." I jumped down and chased anti. I jumped him from behind he grunted when he hit the ground.
"I got youuuu~" I teased and rubbed his back.
Satan caught up.
"She's fast.." he huffed
"You two should go have some fun I need to go tend to Dark and Momma" he cracked his knuckles and disappeared
"Hey y/n" anti smiled I snatched his fedora and put it on.
"Let's go home okay? I know your still on your period and bleeding.." he kissed my head and tossed me over his shoulder.

"Why did you follow us?" I jumped down.
And he snaked his arm around me.
"Well..uh Satan is..well you..I-.." he tried to speak but couldn't do it
"Don't bother putting it didn't trust me.." I sighed
"I'm sorry I just know satan can get touchy." He huffed
"It's okay truly I see all these pretty demon ladies and I got scared.." I held him as we continued to walk
"Here hun we need some couples time..let's get some dinner" he kissed my cheek.

And this is when we cut off reader and say this moment is only for Anti and Y/n filled with forgiveness movies and love valentines was a beautiful moment I'm so glad I have Anti..we are together..forever.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now