Hell yes!

419 14 7

"Where am I..?" I heard a husky tired voice
"Good morning Adam.." I turned my head to him he was really close. We both looked around to see our sleeping position he wiggles out of Sams grasp.

I removed myself the three immediately cuddled each other. We laughed and left the room I really quick through my hair back. He ran his hands through his golden locks. I slid down the stair case he followed me down yet carefully, I hit the floor softly and continued my way to the kitchen. Adam was on my heels we were finally there and I started cooking he sat on the counter.

"Hey..I wanna ask you something,," he got comfortable
"What's up sweets.." I briefly looked up
"How did you met a multi billionaire and not know?" He laughed
"Listen you ass, I was hella poor and didn't even have a phone so don't try to act like I was smart! I met him in a cafe and we kinda hit it off her brought me to his place we fucked and kinda been together since the next morning he offered me to stay..then told me I should stay a second night..so yeah it's been a fun.." I shrugged finishing some eggs.

"Uhm...can I ask one more thing..?" He peaked behind me someone was there..probably Satan..
"What's up?" I started to crack another egg..
"I can't go with Sam to get our nails done do you wanna go with him?" He asked with a cutie little smile
"Hell yeahhh! Nails? For sure!" I jumped
I finished cooking and turned around seeing Seán.

"Morning.." he spoke in a low morning voice
"Good morning~" I cheered in singsong voice..
I set the table and Anti came hurling down the stairs at full force.

"Y/n?!" He yelled frantically
"Yes baby?" I called walking into the living room. His arm was messed up and he was in a panicked state
"Are you okay..?" I asked
"Sjwcuakrbr" he mumbled..something?
"Calm done what's wrong..?" I was nervous
"I didn't know you cared.." Adam got nervous
"Anti what's wrong with that" Seán asked
"Why didn't anyone tell me?! Until right now!" He pouted
"Awh did you not sleep well?" I asked
"No" he whined his head diving into my shoulder
"Awh come eat hunny" I dragged him to the table and gave him some food Adam couldn't stop staring at his arms.

"So y/n nails?" Adam reminded me
"MM! Yeah! What color should I get Anti?" I asked
"I don't know..let Sam pick.." he shrugged and went back to happily eating
"Haayyy y/n you ready?" Sam waltzed in, wear black stilettos and a long women's coat.

"Yup I'm ready lemme just put on makeup okay?" I asked
"Beauty takes time..your time is until 10 when I'm leavening.." he smiled I quickly ran upstairs got all dressed and ready and we headed out we rocked out in the car ride there. We pulled up to the nail salon he nearly dragged me inside. There were two girls in there,
"I'm so sorry we're closing.." she mumbled
"What?! I have an appointment!" Sam growled
"Oh! Wait your Sam..Satin..?" The girl in the back asked
"Yes I am!" He straightened his coat..
"Oh! Uhm hi I'm Emmy!" The sweet girl smiled some brown locks dropped onto her face.

"Hi I'm Y/n and This is well Sam" I smiled remembering they know that..
"I'm Ashley!" The second girl cheered skipping up behind her sister I'm sure their twins.

"You were the manicures?" She asked glancing at the desk.
"Yup! Thank you ladies!" Sam hung up his coat on the coat rack I did the same he was wearing a fucking red mini dress..
I hugged in embarrassment,

"Right here would be fine!" Ashley sat down getting a nail station ready..
Emmy brought me to one next to hers
"I'm sorry I have to ask are you two twins?" I smiled nervously
"Yup! It's easy to tell" Emmy answered as Sam and Ashley talked about nails.

"What color or well uhm what nails do you want?" Emmy stumbled over her words putting her hair in a messy pony tail.

"Uhm..surprise me!" I shrugged
"Okay how about all black! With..one green and a little heart.." she got carried away..
"Maybe a little 'A' under it.." I smiled..
"I love that!" She clapped and started to work on my nails. The four of us started talking
"So..Sam how do you afford that Louis Vuitton dress..? At this nail salon.." Ashley laughed
"Ha! I work real fucking hard!" He smiled
"We barley make enough to live!" She huffed
"Oh my god girl! Let's let you two move in with meee!" He started jumping..
"No! We couldn't take your personal space.." Emmy was shocked.

"It'll be fun!" Sam jumped smiling
"You should do it! Sounds fun!" I smiled then went back..
"We sound crazy.." I looked at Sam
"Well if you don't want to.." Sam rose a brow
"I mean..I guess we could.." Ashley suggested
"No! I'm sorry but your strangers!" Emmy have a nervous glare.

"Uhm..I mean that'd mean you'd have to go home.. and stop trying to cuddle me and Anti.." I smiled

"Fine. For a little bit.." Emmy was still skeptical.
"THIS WILL BE GREAT!" Sam jumped
"Nails!" Ashley warned him.
"Oh ops sorry baby" he sat back down calmly.

I huffed more people..wait until they meet Anti I hope they don't turn out like Kelly..I have high hopes for these cuties..

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