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Y/n decided a party would be best to tell everybody we were getting married. Nobody accept Seán knew I was proposing.

Y/n has been in a good mood since, she would skip down the hall. Him random songs and give me kisses and run off.

Like right now I heard her little pats against the floor, I was sitting in the library dressed in black jeans and a black button up. I heard the door creak and Y/n started running around. I stifled a laugh
"Anti?" She whispered.
"Yes love?" I answer she popped her head out from the bookcase and smiled
"Can I have a kiss?" She smiled
"Come here" I sat my book down she jumped into my lap.

"Guess what!" She yell-whispered
"What?" I whispered back
"We're getting married!" She jumped I held her on my lap.
"Yes, we are!" I laughed
She held my neck and rested against me.
I picked up my book and rested it on his back and continued reading.
"What are you reading?" She rubbed my shoulders
"Hamlet." I nuzzled onto her shoulder, I took in a whiff of her rose water perfume.

I took a deeper breath of her,
"I can't wait to have you everyday of my life, fuck you whenever, kiss you whenever, whatever we want," I kissed her neck.
"I can't wait to tell everyone!" She jumped getting gave to face with me again.
I grabbed her hand and slipped off her ring.
"NO!" She whined and reaches for it.
"Wait! Stop stop!" I held her arms down she looked confused and sad.

"The party started soon and people can't see the ring love." I held it in front of her face.
She sighed
"Okay." She groaned
"My legs hurt" she whined I laughed and set my book down.
"We should tell everyone when they walk in the door!" She smiled
"No y/n" I laughed she sighed she bounced on my lap.

"How long until we tell everyone!" She huffed,
"About 4 to 5 hours" I held her hips,
"What takes four to five hours?" She turned
"Letting me read my book." I suggested,
"That's boring" she slipped and fell off of my lap hitting her head on a shelf.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes,
"Oh sweetie!" I got on my knees and she wiped her tears,
"Ow.." her voice cracked
"Awe!" I smiled and brought her into my chest.
I rubbed her head,
"You're okay," I held her close
"I have a headache," she groaned
"Let's go to the stargazing room so you can take a power nap you stayed up late last night.." I scooped her up and carried her into the elevator, she tapped the button with her foot. We waited and I lightly rocked her light body.

The ding snapped me back to reality as we exited and I set her on the couch,
She stared up into the sky clouds dancing, swirling the sky in the pure with fluff the sun shining upon my love.

He eyes glistened in the sunlight, I sat next to her she looked up at me,
"Anti..I can't imagine going to bed without you next to me." She started to draw on my chest.
"Good. Don't imagine it." I rubbed her back.

We decided that from the large glass roof we would watch until the first guest arrived.

"Do you think Dark will make an appearance." I asked she tensed at his name.
"No." She hesitantly croaked
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked" I brought her to my body. We watched a white car pull up.
"Emmy?" I asked
"Laci." She corrected me and grabbed my hand I saw two more cars pull up.

Here we go.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now