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It was my first day at work!
I had to wake up early along with Anti. I took a shower curled my hair. You know all the fancy stuff, I then got dressed with Antis eyes on me.

"I know your watching me change" I laughed
"No you don't" he smiled
I turned around and he was in a white button up and dress pants. I Bit my lip,
"Your pretty hot in work clothes" I put my hands on his shoulder.
"I know right" I dramatically flipped my hair.

As we went down stairs
"Hey work is kinda far and I don't like driving do you care if I blur us there?" He looked at me with questioned eyes.
"Sure..?" I agreed with question
"Hold my arm" he ordered looking down at his phone. I gripped his arm and he started to glitch I felt myself glitch. I looked up and him he smiled and started to take a call.
"Y/n?" He asked
"Yeah?" I tightened my grip
"We're here" I opened my eyes to see an office room with a decent sized desk outside.
"Okay so we found people with uhm..experience for the marketing team." He admitted
I made a sad face.
"Sotheonlyotherjobismyassitant.." he crossed his arms and looked at me
"Really! I get to spend the whole day with you!" I smiled
He let out a big sigh of relief.
"Yes you do" he kissed my head
"Go ahead and entertain yourself with the stuff in the desk and listen to the phone that's all you have to do." He gave me a kiss before going through two large oak doors.

I was clicking a pen for fun until a heard Anti call me into his office.
"Hi!" I chirped entering his room he smiled
"Hey baby, can you please make copies of this? Like 4?" He asked not even looking and handing me a paper.
"Of course" I grasped them rubbing his knuckle slightly.
He smirked.
I left his room and looked around I found the copy room and started to make copies before I left two people stood outside the door talking.

"Did you hear Mr. Septic got a new assistant?" The man said his voice was deep.
"Psh yeah she's pretty hot too no wonder she got hired" she scoffed she sounded bratty she spoke high.
"Yeah she's pretty cute but don't you think The boss learned from Mr. D"  the man responded. I then opened the door and they both saw me.

"Mmmm you the new girl?" The lady said she had long brown hair, brown eyes she was fairly attractive. The man was tall blue eyes shaggy blonde hair.

"Yes.." I nodded trying to move past them
"Hold up sugar" he had a slight accent
"Oh." I looked at him
" tell us about The boss.." he got interested
"Well Anti is really nice..he-
"Woah!" The brown haired lady jumped as I said Anti.
"What?" I looked at them
"You just called him by a nickname.." the blonde one had wide eyes

"I've always called him that.." I shrugged
"Why?" The girl asked
"cause he is my boyfriend" I smiled
The girl passed out.
"Oh my god!" Before I could go to the ground to help her the guy held me up
"Don't worry she does that all the time you should def have lunch with us." Then I realized he didn't have an accent he was just gay.
"Okay..?" I nodded as he woke her up and I scurried back to Antis office.

"Hey.." I poked my head inside then saw Dark too. They both smiled.
I handed him his copies and then left the room, I closed the door and sat back down.

Around 12 the lady from before came to my desk,
"Hey Sugar" she smirked
"Hello!" I smiled I then I heard Anti call my name.
"Hold on a moment" I went to his door
"Yeah, babe?" I stepped inside
"Wanna grab some lunch?" He asked and stood up.
"I'm not sure." I answered
" I'm sorry what?" He asked I closed the door
"I don't know these two people asked if I wanted to go with them I don't wanna be rude.." I looked at him
"Awh baby it's okay! Go! Have fun" he kissed my head
"Thank you baby!" I hugged him I then left the room Anti behind me.
The girl saw him and straightened her posture immediately.

"Hello!" I smiled all a sudden all eyes were on Anti.
"Back to work" he said sternly.
"I'm going with Dark hun" he kissed my head a light gasp came from the lady
"Goodbye!" I waved as he went down the hall.

"Damn girl" she smiled
"I'm Kelly and the guy from earlier is Andrew" she smiled
"He has some extra work he will meet us at lunch" She our on her sunglasses and I followed her out. We went to Olive Garden. The two of us walked in and were seated at a corner table. We talked about normal things until Andrew came barreling through the doors to our table.
"Awhhhhh" he groaned crashing down next to Kelly
"What's wrong m" I asked
"Hm? Oh nothing just met with a sugar daddy you get it" he laughed and straightened his hair and clothes a bit.
"Oh.." I was confused to why everyone thought I had Anti as a sugar daddy..
"Anyway ladies what do you wanna hot up the club this weekend" Andrew rose a brow
"Hell no! Andrew you nuts your 'weekends' turn in Friday through Monday" Kelly scoffed
"Awh please!" He gave puppy eyes
"No ask...I'm so sorry what is your name..?" She looked embarrassed
"My name is y/n" I smiled as the waiter gave use our food.
"Anyway darling why are you working?" Kelly asked I smiled
"What do you mean? Why does everyone ask that" I tilted my head finished my plate
"Well if the boss is you daddy why do you work when he pays you..?" Andrew finished his bread stick
"He never pays me.." I sighed
"You work for free?" Kelly was shocked
"Anti is my BOYFRIEND! Not a sugar daddy!" I tried to explain.
"Wait he ACTUALLY buckled down?" Andrew went wide eyed
"Yes." I face palmed
"Oh! We are so sorry usually he just hires girls" Kelly blurted
"Oh my god kell you don't say that!" Andrew jumped
"He hires girls?!" My voice rose yet I went quiet after I knew people were watching now.
"We are so bad at making friends" Kelly whined
Andrew rubbed her back
"I'm sorry" I fixed my shirt
"Us too what we are trying to say is you should ask him about it" kelly admitted
"Trust me I will" I stood up
"I really think I should go.." I started to leave I left a tip on the table they both started talking looking guilty.
I high tailed it back to the office it was mostly empty. Accept for a few people. I saw his door was open I set my bag down by my desk and stepped in his office. It was just me and him.

"Hey baby!" He jumped
"You hired girls.." I nearly cried
"..years ago yes I did.." he looked shamed
"You don't see me as a prostitute do you?" I asked he stood up and hugged me.
"No! Of course not your beautiful and to special for that" he kissed me softly and I kissed back he held my hips.

"Can I please take you to dinner tonight" he smiled
"Yesss" I rested my head on his chest
"Who told you about the two girls" he asked
"Kelly and Andrew" I looked at him he laughed
"Oh my god I love them!" He started cracking up
"They are so scared of me and dark and Andrew is so fucking gay I love it" he started dying of laughter.
I shook my head.

Then a weak a quiet knock came to the door Anti looked at me.
"That's not Dark" he looked at the door and opened it
"It's Kelly!" I opened it she looked petrified
"I am so sorry we didn't mean to meddle" Andrew peeped from behind her
"Yeah what he said" Kelly nodded
"You two are great don't even worry" Anti smiled
"Oh thank the lord above" Kelly relaxed then they both ran off to there desks.
"Their great" Anti held my hips then rested his head on mine I then turned around and kissed him.

"Okay I have work to do I love you" he kissed my head I skipped out super happy and sat down I deciding to keep drawing cause I was bored.

Then I had a great idea..

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