Teamwork BIT¢H

241 11 10

We laughed on the way there in Antis car,
"So hey, wanna know something?" He held my thigh,
"What?" I rubbing my cheek clearing the tears of laughter,
"I'm officially naming this car: Y/n." He winked at me,
"You name your cars?" I laughed
"Don't even start with me! I love my cars!" He laughed,
"Anti! We need a dog!" I reminded him,
"Y/n. I'm not getting a dog." He stated looking clearly done with the question,
"Please!? I really want a puppy! You'll love the puppy!" I held his hand pleading with him,
"Y/n. I don't want dog piss all over the house." He groaned
"We can get a pre-trained puppy!" I offered,
"Why do you want a puppy so bad?"
"Why are you so against it?" I retorted he went quiet for a moment,
"Fine. I'll get you a puppy." He rolled his eyes finally giving up,
"YES!" I smiled and leaned over to kiss him,
"Thank you!" I sat back down and almost cried.
"What breed?" I asked
"Uh, something strong, I want it to protect you if you go on a walk, or I'm on a work trip." He thought,
"A hunting dog then? Lab?"
"They have a light bite." He gave me a side look with a soft smile,
"Something with a hard bite?" I asked and grabbed my phone,
"German Shepard." He stared,
"THEY ARE SO CUTE!" I yelled
"We should get one!" I smiled
"Y/n..." he looked over in disappointment,
"I said Shepard because that's what we are getting." He laughed
"REALLY?!" I smiled as we brought the car to a stop I jumped over the side to give him a hug and a quick kiss, I unbuckled his seat belt and threw myself out of the car, he stepped out and straightened his clothes,
"Come on" he held out his hand, I wrapped my hand around his,
I rested my head on his shoulder, he gave me a forehead kiss, as we started to walk into camp, people stared either in disbelief, or confusion.

Quickly Gianna grabbed my arm,
"Bruh! Did you two like...fix it?" She was shocked how something so horrible could turn out so well.
"We did!" I whispered back and winked, we got onto our usual spots.

"Alright alright alright!" Keith clapped his hands together,
"Welcome back to FACING YOUR FEARS! Today the worst of all, losing your loved one." Quickly people stared at there significant other, I gave Anti a reassuring smile.

He winked. We'd be fine.
Emmy and Mark gave uncertain glances, for a new couple they were stable but still nervous.

"As if we don't know, BUT may ye cute couples stand near each other? We gotta know who to separate," he rubbed his hands together. I met Anti in the middle,
"Hi!" I smiled and rested against him, I saw Lexie give death glares, we looked at each other, and shrugged it off, he pushed himself against my back holding onto me.

We had two people in envy of our relationship,
I just smiled and gave Anti a quick kiss on the cheek, Keith gave a scowl.

"ALRIGHT!" He sneered
"Looks like we have...two couples over here, and OH! Three couples!" I saw three couples happily holding each other.

"Alright first couple! You two." His voice became grim as he pointed to us. I happily stood next to Anti
"IN THE CAGE!" Keith nearly pushed us,
"OKAY! Now so we can see this couple is strong...we are going to put them through the worst." I saw a glint of anger in his eyes,
"BET!" I smiled as the cage doors shut,
"What do you think it is?"
"Okay! Now, we will ask a series of trap questions," Keith stood closer to the cage,
"10 questions to be exact, if you guys get mad or yell the cage will stay the same temperature, if not it will slowly heat up pushing you to get more and more irritated!" Keith smirked,

"Number one, this is for you Anti, what do you dislike most about Y/n?" His devilish grin grew
"Easy!" He smiled I took a double-take at him
"The fact she'll never agree that she is flawless!" He smiled at me, I put my hand in my heart and pushed out my lower lip,
"Awe!" I smiled
"Alright Y/n how about you?" Keith rapped his foot,
"His temper." I stared right into his eyes he nodded
"Yeah...t-that's right!" He scratched his neck and laughed.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now