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I woke up in a daze, a sharp pain in my legs. I felt Antis cold breath against my neck, then I felt his arm around my waist.

I was in incredible pain in my legs,
I rolled over and clung to him, wrapped my arms around his neck,
"Mmm." He groaned and tried to roll away, but when his eyes crept open he saw my face,
"Morning, love." He groaned he grabbed my hips, his strong arms pulled my up to his chest I sucked air through my teeth,
"Owie..." I whined
"Do your legs hurt?" He kept his eyes closed because of the sun,
"Yeah," I groaned in discomfort
"How bad? Out of ten." He carefully laid me down in the bed letting me stretch a little before getting comfy again.

He sat on the edge of the bed then did some arm stretches.
"A weak 9 solid 8" I hugged myself, a few achy muscles tensed,
"I'm sorry, I'll be gentle next time." He frowned and stood up,
"You are not getting the next time for a while." I pouted
"Fair, I'm going to make you some pancakes, you just rest." He got a shirt and came to kiss my forehead,
"Do you know where it hurts?" He questioned I nodded
"Where love?" He asked tugging the blanket off me.

"My uterus. My legs. My back." I stared almost as if it was a known anthem.

"Wow...I'm so sorry" he sighed I gave him a weak smile
"But it felt good..." I reached for his face he moved his head so it met my hands I felt him rest his hand over mine, I then pulled him down to kiss me.

His soft lips were smooth and perfect, the fit onto his face like a puzzle piece.
"I love you" he smiled then turned to leave
"I love you too!" I weakly responded from the bed, I pulled the covers up more, I snuggled into the soft sheets.

They smelled like lavender, I rolled to Anti's side trying to catch his scent,
I groaned and grabbed his pillow, I took in a deep breath.

I let out a satisfied sigh
"Cinnamon" I whispered to myself
I held his pillow close to my face,
Does lavender go well with cinnamon?
But I go well with Anti!
Should I try I different scent?

I then heard Anti full force running up the stairs I perked up the door burst open,
"DON'T CHANGE THE LAVENDER!" He jumped on the bed grabbing me,
"Gah?! What?" I quickly dropped his pillow
"Mind reading remember?" He reminded me I nodded in confusion
"You smell so good!" He pulled me in his lap he was sitting upright causing a slight sting under my torso,
He took a inhale tickling my neck,
"Stop that!" I laughed playfully pushing him,
"Oh my god," I laughed as he tugged us both down.

"We appreciate each other's scent, it's a thing we can store in a bottle, and I'm glad yours is so common in perfumes because it's wonderful," he smiled then the smell of burnt batter filled my nose I smiled.

"You smell like burnt pancakes," I smirked he gasped and darted out of the room, in the meantime, I stood up to get the closet,
I reached for a T-shirt not looked at the shirt until I was getting it on.

I slipped on the soft satin fabric then glanced in the mirror, a long black button-up.
It went down mid-thigh, I saw the cuffs on the sleeves I looked at the detail.
I small 'S' carved into the metal of the cuff links.

It's from his company, it was his.
Duh, but he never seemed to wear it, I wonder why.

Then the smell of fruit filled my nose and I snapped my head at the door,
"Oh-..Thats a very expensive shirt." He looked me up and down sternly. He eyes piercing my soul I shuddered,
"I'm sorry, I just grabbed the first shirt I saw..." I slipped the fabric off my shoulders,
"Keep it on. It looks rather fine on you." He winked and set down a plate of pancakes and strawberries,
"I think I should..." I thought of the mess I'd make on his shirt.

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