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At dinner I stared at him in delight, he was away from our table on the phone something came up with Dark.
I stared at him with love and affection. I keep my emotions from bubbling over I waited patiently for him to return. As he sat down he rubbed his temple.

"Stress?" I asked
"Yeah sorry baby I know it's hard to balance work right now..BUT I now have time to spend with you" he rested his hand on mine I smiled.
I have home love eyes before I could speak a waitress came up.
"Hello you two! I'm Lylana and I'll be serving you today what can I get you two?" She was cheery and happy. Anti rubbed his head.
"Uhm may I please have a _________" I asked her she smiled and quick wrote that down.
"And you sir?" She looked at Anti
He stared her down causing her to tremble.
"I-uhm can give you more time.." she stuttered
I grumbled "he would love to have a _________" I answered for him she took a breathe wrote that down and ran off.
"What's your damage?" I asked getting mad
"I'm thirsty for fear hun! I starve for it right now" he got defensive
"Then scare me after dinner!" I growled in anger
"Fine!" He crosses his arms
She came back and nearly threw our drinks to get away faster I sighed.
"See what you did?" I crossed my arms
"I'm just a demon" he scoffed a old lady walking by looked at us with a confused look.

"What are you looking at boomer!" Anti growled she scurried her little way away.

"Antisepticeye we are in public show respect! You need to stop your not 10!" I kicked his leg
"Your so annoying" he slumped
I went quiet
"Are you in your period?" I growled at him
He glared at me, a different waiter came back he was nice.

"Hello Lyanna has to leave early so I'll take care of you! What would you like to eat"  he asked and clicked his pen
"I'll have ________ and she'll have a salad" he smirked my breath hitched he wrote that down.

"Alright then! Thank you so much" he then left and disappeared into the next rooms.
"What the hell?" I asked
"What? You weren't fast enough" he through his head back. I slipped out my phone and called an Uber I was done sitting with him like this.

"Y/n why are you so uptight I still make more money then you.." he looked me dead in the eye
"What.." I was confused
"Just cause you have a job doesn't make you a better person your still a fail legit had to have your boyfriend give you a job" he smirked
"You offered it to me.." I furrowed my brows.

"Whatever" he grabbed his drink and chugged half of it.
"Are you drunk?" I questioned
"Demons don't get drunk" he retorted

My phone dinged my Uber was here.
"I'm going home" I stood up and walked out. I didn't even wait for a reaction I drove home and the Uber was really nice her name was Coraline we ended up giving each other our numbers.

I got out and saw Anti still was not here,
I went upstairs and got dressed in comfy clothes and decided to call dark.

"Hello, Y/n" he was sweaty and tired
"Are you okay" I started pacing the empty room
"Just had sex not the point what's up? Is everything okay?" He asked
I explained the whole night
"Wow, hun go down stairs walk down the left hall and there should be a bedroom Anti didn't go in all secretary's are off Tuesdays so don't worry about work tomorrow." He told me I followed his directions and went to the spare room. A light grey room with a nice design.

"One more thing Bosses are off too it's just the office workers..so Antisepticeye will be home too." He warned
"Good to know thank you" I smiled we said goodnight and I laid down. I saw head light and I listened to the car engine outside silent I locked the door just in case. I laid down again and started to fall asleep.

I heard him call my name
"Y/n! Why would you leave like that real bitch move!" He yelled up the stairs.
I heard him go upstairs then I got a unsettling feeling what if he came in would he be mad? Should I be worried?
I texted dark again a black cloud of smoke appeared to a mostly naked Dark.

"Need to come over?" He asked
"May I?" I asked
"It's probably not safe here Antisepticeye can get violent I warned you before" he shrugged I heard him come back down stairs dark grabbed me and we disappeared to his house.

And what happened next I could never explain.
Our lips
His touch it soothed me
Anti didn't care
Dark made out with me for a solid 10 minutes
"Y/n you with someone.." he muttered pulling away
"Oh my god" I nearly cried
"We need sleep.." he trailed his words
"Together? Just in case..?" He let his hand fall forward in  my lap. Inches away from my area.

"No no no it will become..a...affair....." I slowly got more distance between my words until we ended up staring at each other.

Our lips collided like trains, he held my waist.
"Your right you should stay in your own room" he completely took a step back from me.

"Yeah we should" I stood up and ran to the guest room. I heard him come upstairs and open a different door
"Goodnight Y/n!" He called his voice normal again
"Goodnight Dark!" I yelled back.

Hours later I was still awake I felt sick how could I do that it all just happened should I tell Anti..this night is so bad.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now