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"Yes! I'm going to break you!" I started to buck my hips under her,
"But you are staying on bottom,"
"Okay fine then get yourself out, I'm getting a drink." She moved off the bed,
"No! Wait! Don't leave me like this!" I started to fight against the bounds and pull with all my might,
"Your wants will get the best of you, you'll do everything you can to break free from your restraints but I'll be at home, relaxing because I didn't wanna come here tonight. So for all the lies I'll get a sexual revenge I told dark to let you out in two hours. I'll be at home, asleep. This is revenge for everything. I love you." She waved and turned to the door.


The worst boner of my life, and pure rage flooding through me. I needed her and she teased me like this?! I love her.

This is perfect.

I tried to pulled free then realized she WANTED me to lose energy.

She was gonna top me when I got home because I would be too weak to top.


I held still saving my energy, looking around for a way out, I tried to breath, relax then pull as hard as I could.

*snap* the bed frame snapped, she may have known I can't break the cuffs but I can break the bed.

I then got up to get a skeleton key for all the cuffs in the building. Opening all the drawers then finding the key, trying my best to bend my hand to the lock. I wiggled the key before I felt the cuff loosen then I broke the other one. I stretched myself getting comfortable. I buttoned up my shirt again and tried to cover my hickies. I turned around with a glint of anger in my eyes.

I wanted to teleport home, so I did just to stand on the edge of our bed and terrorize her. I stood there she was asleep.

She was relaxed, I grabbed her foot, suddenly her peaceful sleep was in a nightmare.
My entire mood changed she looked terrified yet intrigued.

She took a moment to see it was me, then smiled, she spread her legs,
"Go on, break my back, Daddy" she but her lip,
"Nope, I just want to cuddle," I smiled she went wide eyed
"Excuse me?!" She shot up,
"Can you please not?!" She growled and tried to pounce on me
She sat on my dick trying to get me hard.

"Eh, I'm not sure." I held her hips, she smiled
"Please?" She gave me puppy eyes,
"You can do all the work," I rested my hands behind my head getting comfortable. She groaned
"Then I'm not doing shit." I grabbed her upper arms and pulled her down.

We stared into each others eyes,
"Make me weak." She moaned as I pressed against her, I rolled us over, hovering over her body.

"Can you please make me scream!" She opened her legs wide enough for me to get myself to rub against her in all the best ways,
"Ah~" she smiled and held the sides of my face, pulling me into a kiss.

I snapped my fingers making her flinch as her clothes were neatly folded on the floor.

"Moan!" I held my hand over her mouth,
Her soft moans made me harder and harder i in buttoned and unzipped my dress pants, she started to unbotton my shirt.

Then throwing my clothing around I was naked, she was naked.

Both ready, both open, both vulnerable to each other.

"Anti..." she mumbled,
"Yes, baby?" I started to push into her, as soft moans spilled free,
"I'm sorry,"
"You will be in a few moments," I smiled and was nervous,
"Safe word?" I asked she looked at me with that adorable smile,
"Okay," I kissed her softly, her arms found their way around my neck, I then pushed in fully making her squirm getting used to my size.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now