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I woke up a little early, I wanted time to think. His words still rewinded like a recording in my head.

"I wish you were never born!"
"I could break your nose!"

I mean, yeah I said some shitty stuff but that was too far...he could break my nose? I put My hand to my nose as I got in the elevator.

It still hurt, I heard my phone ding. I pulled it from my pocket,
A text from Anti...
"Where did you go?"
"Just to get some coffee downstairs"
"Oh! I'll meet you down there :D"

I bit my lip, I guess we can talk about last night.

I got to the lobby and went to get coffee at a lounge for guests. I ordered and sat on a little couch in the corner.

"Y/n?" I heard Anti, he had a big smile. He thinks he is forgiven.
He ordered and sat next to me, resting his arm on my shoulder.

"No-..." I carefully pushed it off,
"Babe?" He smiled playfully.
"I'm still mad at you." I stated,
"But-...why?" He looked upset,
"By what you said...what you did...I can't just let it go..." I crossed my arms,
"No! We forgave!" He whined
"I didn't do anything wrong!" I scoffed,
"Wow! Sorry, ms perfect." He rolled his eyes
"Are you kidding?" I gave him a death glare,
"Oh please, you act like you've been perfect throughout everything," he pulled out his phone,
"Are you seriously texting?" I sighed
"No, I'm sending emails. I have a job, Y/n. To pay for everything you have." He glanced up at me,
"You say that everything we fight..." I looked away to the sweet lady bringing us our coffee.

She handed us both our coffee and walked away,
"It's true." He shifted in his seat.
"You didn't want me to get a job!" I took a sip of the hot drink.

"Then don't get mad that I have work!"
"Well do you have to do it right now? Like was right now the only time you had?" I retorted. I was tired of this already.

"I thought you weren't so petty." He huffed in anger,
"I'm not being petty! You cheated on me."
"You cheated on me!"
"You cheated on me twice!"
He paused
"Are you gonna get over this?" He turned off his phone. He gave me a look I've never seen before.

"Eventually." I looked down at my drink,
"All you do is whine." He mumbled
"I have a right to be angry with you!" I stood up to leave.
He followed
"God! This would be so much easier if you would have just died in that apartment." He groaned under his breath.
I acted like I didn't hear it. But inside I was screaming,
"Realize how I don't wish you were dead." I was on the verge of tears.
"Well, it's true this won't happen if you didn't exist."
"Is that how little you think of me?" I looked at him he didn't look back.
"Do you even care?"
"Are you listening to me?!" I grabbed his arm.
"If you keep FUCKING talking I'm going to break your FUCKING jaw!" He yelled.
"Anti..." I mumbled...
"What?!" His head snapped at me.
I didn't say anything,
We stepped in the elevator.

"What?! Huh?! I'm abusive?! Am I too scary?! TOO INTENSE?!" He nearly crused his coffee, anger forced into his words.

"Please stop..." I was horrified, I was on his bad side right now.

I've never seen him this angry at me.
"I'm so glad, I learned you are like this before I married you."
"So it's over?" I practically heard regret in his words.
"It was over last night." We stepped out of the elevator I started walking to the hotel room slower then him so he couldn't yell at me or touch me.

"Damn." He laughed
"I really want you."
"Mhm." I rolled my eyes,
He pushed in the key,
He opened the door,
He stood by it waiting for me to come it,
"Go ahead" I waved him in more,
"You can walk by me! I'm not gonna hurt you." He looked distant.

I carefully walked by him,
"Y/n..." he mumbled,
"Yes?" I felt scattered my heart was broken, I wanted to cry.
"How long do you need to badly have I hurt you..."
"So bad that walking is a chore." I nearly cried
"You deserve better. When we get home, I'll buy you a nice apartment and help yo-"
"Shut up."
"I'm trying to help you!"
"I need nothing more from you! You don't even want me around!" I turned finally letting tears break through water falls flooding my cheeks.

"You were the man I thought I would marry! I love you! You are so perfect! Until you get mad! I always ran to you! Cared for you! Loved you! I was tricked! And used! And forgotten! You didn't care FOR MONTHS! You act like I was the worst thing to happen to you! LETS BE HONEST I WISH I DIED IN THAT APARTMENT TOO!" I carefully got closer to him making sure not to get in arms reach,
"Y/n-" we both tensed up,
"We made so many empty promises." I looked at him, sadness became overwhelming.
I wanted to hold him. So bad.
I can't. He needs to learn. I'm never going back. I can't take it anymore.

"Forgive me...for I have sinned." He got on his knees,
Was he...

"No fucking way..." I looked down,

"Dear Lord, I have sinned, I need forgiveness of any kind..." I was in shock, he was praying. To God.

"Anti..." I put my hand on his shoulder,
"And forgive me for everything I've said and done. Do not let Y/n kill herself and don't let her die before I can get her forgiveness." He started tearing up.

"This is not happening" I turned away,
"Amen." He got up at looked me dead in the eyes.

"I will fight every god damn day for the rest of my life. To get you back in my arms." He pointed at me.
"Anti. You wished I was dead. It will take you forever."
"I'll work forever."
I didn't know what to say.
"I need to take a shower." I walked into the bathroom and dumped my coffee. I felt sick.

I slammed the door,
What. The. Fuck.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now