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I sat in the stupid metal chair, loose cuffs looked around my wrists. And an officer repeatedly asking about a protest,
"Yes, at my stay in Chicago I was at a protest, when it turned violent we left."
"My fiancé and I"
"Ah, and this is Andrew?"
"Are you aware, that an officer was killed at the protest, and a woman ran away from the-"
"I want a lawyer."
"It's my right. I want a lawyer."
"Your boyfriend is here on the Lob-"
"My fiancé is not a lawyer so that does not help."
"Fine." The officer stood I then heard Antis soothing voice,
"I'm already getting a lawyer babe, what officer did you kill? I'm proud!"
"None! I didn't kill anyone!"
"It's okay to tell me!"
"I didn't!"
"It's okay, we will get you out of this."
"I deserve cuddles!"
"Take a deep breath baby, it's okay."

"Ms. L/n?" My stomach turned as I looked up and saw a man in a suit,
"I am your lawyer, Johnathan Kim," he reached out to shake my hand, I looked at my cuffs and back at him,
"Apologies" he cleared her throat and stood next to me setting down a black braid case,
"Ms. L/n, I'm sure you know to listen to me, I'm a very good lawyer and you'll be free by Monday." He glanced around me, I nodded
"If we are lucky you can go home today," he tilted his chin up, waiting for the detective to return,
He started to tap his foot and check his watch,
"Alright!" A black female officer entered the room,
"Hello Y/n!" She was weirdly cheery,
"Hi." I was blank, my lawyer and I gave a pity glance,
"The less you answer the longer you'll be here." She glanced at my lawyer he had a proud grin,
"Excuse me, she would like to know why she is being questioned while thousands went to that protest?"
"T-thousands is—"
"Actually correct thousands can be held accountable, so what do you have against her? Your evidence does not stand."
"And! At the protest wasn't a wall put up? And we are more focused on This? Are you distracting the public from the fact someone has abilities humans don't?"
"I'm still not done, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop interrupting me." He started to hand her papers of other women beating up cops,
"Why are they not arrested?"
"Sir—" then an intercom in the interaction room boomed in my ears, pure fear sparked in my chest,
"Get out her Officer." An angry voice broke through,
"Hm. You'll be home for dinner."
"Thank you so much."
"They are only doing this because they have a bias against your fiancé. I heard you two are getting married by the way! Congratulations." He smiled and I saw straight pearly whites,
"Wow. Thank you."
"And! Give this to Andrew" he closed his brief case, handing me a envelope,
"It's my bill." He winked and walked out.

Quickly an officer came in and uncuffed me,
"Ma'am the police department will pay you to not file for unlawful arrest."
"How much?" I sat back down with a sly grin,
"I-uh 2,000"
"I think I'd make more from a lawsuit."
"H-how much do you want?"
"I'll discuss another time." I stood up and winked then took my pride and walked out another officer guide me to the lobby, I then saw Anti standing straight with Two men behind him one being my lawyer the other being satan, the officers coward in fear, at the death glances of the three.

Anti brought me under one arm then gave one more pure anger glance at the sherif,
"This was not funny and we will be suing." He gritted his teeth, then we turned to walk out he had a tight grip around my shoulders.

"Babygirl, May you please wait in the car?" He gave the sly smile I love, I nodded and kissed his nose, then walked to the car, I pulled on the handle and sat down, I watched him talk to the two men, then one last time he face palmed and clearly looked upset he started storming to the car, Satan going with the lawyer, then he walked around the car, and opened his door, throwing himself down and slammed it shut.

"God fucking damnit" he mumbled under his breath, clear anger in his eyes, I felt sick, he ripped out of the parking spot, he started to drive speeding past people.

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now