Sucks for youuu

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I woke up to hear Anti ruffling through drawers.
"Anti what the fuck are you doing?" I groaned it was still dark outside
"Looking for something" he hissed coldly
"Come back to sleep" I reached for him
He turned to me his eyes flickering between blue green and black.
"I can't I have to find something" he then ran to the closet and dig through boxes and bins.
"Whaaat" I hissed I then remembered that I could also be a demon.

I spread my wings and walked to the closet I grabbed his shoulders and slapped my wings pulled us both to the bed. I hit the wall and he fell to the bed.

"Smooth" he kissed my forehead I put my wings away and landed on top of him.
"Sleep here with me"I growled he nodded
"I just need something" he held his hands up
"What?" I sat up sitting on his stomach.
"Someone wants to buy you off of me" he looked me dead in the eye
"Who?" I asked and laid on his stomach
"I don't know some guy?" He said clearly making it up.
"Oh well guess I'll leave" I stood up
"No! I was lying!" He grabbed my forearms and pulled me back in bed
"I was looking for a plushie.." he muttered
"Huh?" I was confused and rolled to face him
"A plushie..I'mma sounds like a baby but I had a super scary dream and got scared but I didn't wanna wake you up and I went to find my plush." He trailed off
" should have woke me up!" I held him he used my chest at a pillow
"I'm sorry" he sounded scared and he held me super tight he was crying into my chest
"What happened in your dream" I asked

"You were killed" he squeezed me as he broke down
"Awh Anti..shhh just breathe you you'll be okay I'm still alive right here.." I calmed him
"No I killed you.." he sobbed
"Anti is kick you ass demon or not don't worry.." I joked
He sniffled and looked at me he looked like a puppy
"It's okay baby just hold me and you'll be okay.." I rubbed his back he feel asleep crying I felt so bad. The next morning I left him in bed I put on a outfit and went to make him breakfast I made pancakes and bacon. I felt two arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry about last night.." he apologized
"Don't be it happens to all of us.." I kissed his cheek he stole a pancake and munched on it next to me.
"Your a good cool baby" he held me close to him
"Thank you"I donated the last pancake and turned he finished his and made a plate for himself I made one for me and we sat down together.

"You're so pretty" he mumbled looking down at his food
"Did you just call bacon pretty?" I laughed
"Yup prettiest bacon I've ever seen totally did not just call you pretty" he sarcastically said.
"Oh totally not" I smiled
"Anyway what do you wanna do today?" He asked
"I don't know.." I shrugged
"I have tickets for a broadway" he smiled
"Witch one?" I looked up
"Hamilton!" He said cheerfully
"WHAT?!" I looked up
"I totally wasn't looking for the tickets last night" he put his and my plate in the sink
"No way!" I stood up and jumped on his back
"I can't believe it!" I was so excited
"go get ready we have an hour" he slapped my ass I ran upstairs and to our closet and got on a casual dress did my hair and makeup and went downstairs to see Anti in skinny jeans and a nice shirt. I was super excited and held onto his arm.

On the way there we rocked out to other broadway songs like

Hades town
Dear Evan Hanson
Legally blonde
And beetle juice

Then we pulled up to the theatre and I was about to cry he hit front row tickets for HAMILTON!

It was perfect. He liked it I think it was hard to tell.
Then we kept sitting until everyone left
"Why are we just sitting here?" I asked looking at him
"Someone is supposed to meet us here" he told up as someone came out from behind us
"Anti?" A familiar  voice called
"Holy shit!" I jumped behind Anti our of pure shock
"Lin! Nice to see you again" he shook his hand
"Wait whaaat?" I poked my head out.
"Lovely y/n nice to meet you!" He cheered
"Wow..uhm hi.." I was star struck
"Heh, Anti has told me Lots about you nice to finally meet you" he smiled brightly
"Anti talks about me" I asked
"A lot" he laughed
"I'm not surprised" I stepped out slightly
"You look very pretty tonight y/n can I see your playbill?" He asked pulling out a sharpie.
"Of course.." I handed it to him he put it in his back and pulled out a different one and signed his name.
"Holy shitttt" I whispered they laughed as he handed me the playbill it was signed by the whole cast.
"Woah.." I went wide eye.
"Okay you too enjoy your night nice meeting you y/n" he waved and went behind stage.
I smiled
"!" I kissed all over his face he laughed.
"You like that?" He smiled
"Loved!" I held his hand as we started to leave I was still star struck by the fact I met Lin all because of Anti.

Sorry for the late and short chapter I promise I'll start getting back with this book and if yo I don't know Hamilton I suggest you check it out AND if you wanna design a book cover for me please do..

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