Explain this.

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My eyes looked in the horrid man I fell back and screamed, Anti ran to my side, I clung to his arm. Dark stood.

He was shirtless clearly being healed by Anti,
"Get away from me!" I screamed and kicked his thigh.

He scowled at me, I gasped and stood up to run away. Two hands gripped onto my forearms, I screamed and swung my body he dropped me. I ran as fast as I could. I only went into the next room.

I was silent hidden by a thick blanket of darkness, I was shaking, why is he here? Why was Anti helping him?

I heard them enter I slid into the depths of darkness, the lights flicked on I was under a bed,

"I'm taking he away from you." Darks voice was low and devilish
"Don't. Let her be where she pleases." Anti grumbles as I heard them start to search for me.

I covered my mouth,
"She's my human." Darks feet turned to Anti. I gasped they went silent.
"Y/n? Baby come here..." Antis soft voice floated through my ears.
"I don't wanna leave." I nearly cried
"Told you." Anti mutter presumably at Dark, I saw him kneel down and his hand extended grasping for me.

I gave him my hand and he pulled me out,
"Hey sweetheart," his voice was low and depressed
Darks gaze met mine
"Let's go fair lady, we have a bed to fill," he winked I held onto Anti tighter,
"Y/n I can't protect you demon law, Apparently your Darks human meaning I can't keep you from him.." his eyes welled with tears.

"No! That's not right!" I tightened my grip on Anti
"Y/n you have to go with him." He tried to push me off of him,
"Let's go Y/n" Dark commands sternly,
"No." I growled

Anti pushed me more force this time,
"Anti find a loop hole I don't wanna go I don't wanna leave you!" Tears streamed down my face creating water falls,
"Y/n leave my house." He slipped the ring off my finger, that was it. That was the last straw, I let out a heart breaking sob, my entire body held onto Anti for dear life,
"Anti I love you, I love you so much!" I stared up at him.
"Don't kiss my human." Dark ordered I let go of Anti and turned to Dark,
"Are you ready my-" I punched him, clean across the face definitely leaving a bruise.

I felt someone scoop me up it was Anti, he was carrying me out.

"Let's go to bed." I cuddled into his chest,
"Not on my house." Anti cried
"No! Anti I don't wanna leave you I love you!" I cried
"I know babygirl-" he was cut off by Dark swooping me out of his arms.

"NO!" I screamed Anti stood helpless by law not being able to save me.

I stopped screaming when anti was out of sight and I just cried. I cried all the way to Darks house. I knew I couldn't do anything. Nothing could bring me to Anti,
"Don't worry love I'll make you happier" Darks hand rested on my thigh I slapped his hand he quickly pulled it away and sighed,
"I wanna go home." I sobbed we pulled up to his house
"Good! We're here" he stepped out I opened my car door, I walked slowly up to the house,
"No.." I muttered this can't be real I want Anti how is Dark my demon.

We walked into the house, the lights were on.

I huffed he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his bedroom,
"Good thing your already in night clothes," he smiled
I ripped my arm from his grasp,
"fuck off. Don't lay a hand on me while I sleep, in fact don't touch me at all." I laid down in bed my eyes red and puffy, my body was weak
"That's not gonna stand." He changed his shorts I looked away from him,
"Yes it is." I protested
"Then how will I make you feel good?" He whined
"You won't. If I wanna feel good I'll go to Antis house." I smiled to myself and imagined Antis soft sheets and Antis arms wrapped around me.

"Y/n I will not let you go to his house," he growled
"Dark I will not let you boss me around" I sassed
I felt him grab me and get on top of me,

"You listen, now. I love you your my human he stole you. You'll be happier here." He clutched my wrists above my head,

"Let me go!" I kicked him square in his crotch.
"Fuck!" He groaned and rolled away,

"I'll fucking kill you bitch!" He groaned I stayed awake all night, he slept soundly next to me,

This can't be real, I waddled room to room.

Until I found the library I was gonna look for a loop hole,
"Hm..assignment must listen to demon...assignment must never deny demon orders...assignment must never sleep with another demon.." I started to sink,
Goddamnit Anti better find something good.

"Please tell me your working hard.." I whispered to myself,

Y/n? Antis voice broke through my head
Yes! Hi! I nearly yelled through my brain
Love, spend a week there I found a loop hole, just be pissed for a week then I'll take care of the problem his voice was uneven.

Okay love! I cheered I knew he lied to me I have to keep looking.

Time skip to Wednesday,

Dark has been working in his office all week,
I haven't stopped reading

"The assignment can only make their out choices if..demon is dead" I read aloud and smiled, then it faded quickly
"How to kill a demon." I searched the shelves,

"Boom." I smiled and tugged our a new book,

I demon can be killed in anyway but then you must dig into their soul hole and pull out there Soul.

It is located at the end of the soul hole, then the demon will be trapped in hell with no way out.

To keep the demon down you must get pure silver chains.

A plan was puzzled together in my head,
"Anti..." I smiled

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