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first- floriography is the language of flowers!!

second- hi welcome back to the shitshow that is my writing, hope you enjoy your time here.

third- jesus christ this is the fifth book of this stuff i guess i just like these characters too much to let them go.

fourth- tentative official release of the first part of this will be late august. if i wasn't turning twenty one, i'd set the date as my birthday, but considering my brother has a race and one of our family friends wants to get me drunk early, i'd probably forget to post

fifth- i tend to do a lot of rewrites of older material to see how much i've improved. i'm starting this one with a rewrite of the 'bedtime stories' from the very first book, but updated to better fit the modified timeline.

sixth- i'm so grateful for anyone who reads these. i wholeheartedly love writing this, and it's been with me since senior year of high school. lewis as a character is very special to me, and none of this would be here if i hadn't gotten sad and bored one day and came up with him.

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