werewolf || monster au with a lewis focus

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[ y'all i'm still fixated on the whole lewis getting married thing like even tho it's just literally something i've been thinking about for a long time, it's kinda the equivalent of my son getting married?? i just,,, 🥺

but anyway monster au let's go
and just for shits and giggles it's in lewis' pov

-lew. ]


I really hate it when stories start with someone waking up, but sometimes it's a necessary starting point. For example: the day I realized some of my housemates were more annoying than I'd originally thought.

I'm in bed with my boyfriend, his arm slung over me and his chin on the top of my head. Normally a very pleasant way to wake up, but when one of your roommates is standing there, her lock pick set in one hand while the other is over her mouth like she's scandalized? Not so much.

Luckily, Alex is a deep sleeper, so I'm able to get up without waking him. I grab Chase's scaly arm and pull her into the hallway, gently closing the door before asking, "What the fuck, dude?"

"I thought I heard a new person talking, so I did the rational thing and unlocked all the doors in the house until I figured out where the voice was coming from." She says, sounding unbothered by it. "Which... Wait until I tell Harry you broke the rules."

"Again... What. The. Fuck. Why are you like this?"

"My parents didn't love me. Next dumbass question."

"I'll talk to Harry later, just- Can you please act like a normal human being?" I can't help the exasperated sigh, because dammit, I'm tired and want to go back to bed without the possibility of the damn siren breaking into my room again.

"Not normal, not a human. So... no can do."

So, like an asshole, I just snatch the tools out of her hand and duck back into my room. The kit gets thrown on my desk, then I search for my phone. Finally, it's found, and I send off two text messages before getting back into bed.

To: Logan 😈
pls have a talk with chase she's breaking into people's rooms again

To: Harry 😇
hey i might've broken one of the rules and i'd like to talk to you about it before chase blows it out of proportion for you


Another reason not to have someone over? The weird precautions I take around the full moon.

After the first few times I changed, I felt disgusted by what I did and who I became. So, as a result, I have one of my housemates lock me up every full moon.

I leave Alex in my room when I go to talk to Harry. That conversation is quick and awkward, the main point being that the rule Chase was referring to is one that only applies to her and Ezra, seeing as they're the bloodthirsty assholes of the group. So obviously, I apologize for bothering him and head back to my room.

Unfortunately, Alex got bored while I was gone, a fact that's evident when I see my set of cuffs thrown on my bed. And it's not like I can avoid this, because he looks up from his phone as soon as the door closes.

I hate that this conversation has to happen, because I was hoping to avoid telling him about the whole werewolf thing for as long as possible. But my other option is to leave him thinking that I'm... y'know, into that type of thing.

"Sorry 'bout that, my roommate Chase is a nightmare," I murmur, sitting beside him and resting my head on his shoulder. "But, uh, I gotta tell you something."

"Something wrong?" He asks gently, putting down his phone.

My nerves are building, winding around my throat like ivy. But... This is important. "I just... Promise not to freak out or laugh at me?"

"I promise." He holds out his pinky finger, bringing a slight smile to my lips as I hook mine with his.

It's more constricting now, the feeling taking root in my stomach as well. "That scar on my shoulder- It's a bite mark. I got attacked by what I thought was a huge dog but like two weeks afterwards, during the full moon..."

Alex goes silent. I close my eyes, try to brace myself for the inevitable disbelief or anger over this, but instead, his arms wrap around me tightly. "I know this was really hard to tell me, and I don't mean to undermine that, but I already knew. Logan told me last full moon."

"Wait, what?"

"I dropped by to see you 'cuz you weren't answering your phone. And once I showed him something, he told me about all of you guys. Sorry I didn't come to you directly about it-"

"What did you show him?"

He lets go, and stands up, leaving me to open my eyes and stare at him. He strips off his shirt, and after a few long moments, gossamer wings appear behind him.

I'm almost speechless. But I still manage to say, "What the fuck."

"I thought I told you-"

"I'm just... Literally all my friends and people I'm close with are fuckin' not human. What the fuck."


[ pssss: alex is a faerie in case it wasn't 100%
(also ps: the wings are based on puck's from the sisters grimm books lmao)

as a bonus:
the names lewis has for everyone in his contact list:

Logan 😈
Harry 😇
Ronnie 🧙‍♂️
Ezra 🧛‍♂️
Chase 🐟
Bailey 🐶
Alex 🧚‍♂️

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