fuck. || yeehaw

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[ inspiration has been lost for vampires!! does that surprise anyone??

anyway here's more lewis being dumb stressed out and in love (set during his engagement bc i can)

-lew. ]


"Logan, dude, my heart feels so damn full right now and I don't know how to handle it," Lewis suddenly mumbled, his face flushed as he took a break from sorting through the clothes in his closet.

Logan, who had been laying on his friend's bed, keeping him company as he worked, couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips as he sat up. "Do you want advice or do you just wanna talk about it?"

When Lewis sat next to him, he paused for just a second before blurting out, "As soon as 'Lex's landlord lines up someone else to rent that apartment, he's gonna move in with me. That's why I'm cleaning and getting rid of stuff. I'm excited and nervous and just... Is it normal to be like this?"

"Wait, didn't Z-?"

"Not officially. She was just over here more often than not." He drew his knees up to his chest, resting his chin there. "What was it like when you an' Harry first moved in together?"

"Now, Lew, I don't think you really wanna hear the answer to that," he said with a grin. Lewis' reaction was to kick him (but since he didn't have shoes on, it didn't hurt at all). "But seriously, I know you're worrying, so try to relax. This is a good thing, and you're gonna be so happy once things settle down."

Lewis took a moment to digest that, then softly said, "I love you, dude. Thank you."

"Love you too, man. Now..." Logan stood up and stretched, then pointed to one of the boxes on the floor. "Where does this one go?"

"That's my winter clothes, so they'll go downstairs. The other boxes are stuff I'm gonna have Alex donate  sometime soon."

"Then what's that bag of clothes on your dresser?"

Lewis grinned, getting up to grab the bundle of fabric. He then tossed it at Logan, who then realized it was a bunch of tshirts and hoodies. "I'm finally returning these. I still kept a few, though."


Lewis spends more time with Ronnie than he ever thought he would. Ronnie's a sweetheart, despite all the reasons Lewis has given him not to be.

They're at Lewis' house, outside in the garden because he's trying to decide exactly what flowers he's using for bouquets and boutonnières and decorations. And Ronnie's brought a friend, mostly because everyone else was busy and couldn't supervise her.

His friend's laying on her back in a patch of soft grass, leather jacket bunched up under her head as a pillow. Ronnie's on a bench a little ways away, occasionally taking pictures of her or the flowering vines surrounding him.

Lewis keeps coming out of the veritable jungle to show Ronnie the collection of flowers he's got grouped in his hands. It's always changing. Baby's breath and greenery surrounding a coral and a white rose. Ivy and daisies. At one point, it's just a handful of dandelions.

Finally, Chase (who's currently laying facedown) groans and loudly tells him, "Just use your favorite flower and his favorite. Boom. Done."

"Absolutely not! That's a disaster."

"Why is that a disaster?" Ronnie asks, although Lewis was almost sure he'd slipped back into his own little world.

A loud sigh escapes as Lewis pulls his phone from the chest pocket of his overalls, bringing up the browser and typing quickly. "Alex's favorite flower is the Italian orchid, and it looks like a bunch of little men with their dicks out. Is that enough of a reason?"


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