break || dear lord a trainwreck

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[ this is my love of the band waterparks forming ideas yet again


⚠️ - language, broken bones, alcohol

stay safe,
lew. ]


Lewis should've known better than to make a bet while drunk. Really, that's just common sense and a lesson he should've learned years ago.

But, like always, it had something to do with Logan.

The band and a few crew members had been drinking while getting things packed up. Lewis, the massive lightweight, was five beers in when Logan murmured those words:

"Dare you to do a handstand on Spence's drums."

And like a complete idiot, he agreed.

Logan had been pretty down for the past week, because of Harry finding out what he'd been doing. And since trading dumb dares had been making him look happier, Lewis wasn't gonna ruin that.

He handed his just-opened bottle to Jon, then stood up off the amp he'd been perched on. "Someone's gotta make sure I don't fall, 'kay?"

Zack, their security, volunteered, so with that, Lewis sized up the kick drum, then pulled Zack down to his height for a second. Together, they moved the drum close to a wall, and Lewis got ready to actually follow through with the dare.

But of course, it went wrong.

He'd barely gotten into position before his hand slipped off the drum, his entire body weight coming down on his wrist with a loud squeak. Zack hadn't caught him, busy taking another drink, clearly not expecting Lewis to move that quickly.

As soon as he fell, his friends rushed over. Spencer took a couple seconds to inspect his drum, but when it was more or less fine, he turned his attention to his injured friend.

The alcohol in his system at least numbed some of the pain. He scrambled into a sitting position, rubbing the back of his head with his good hand as he stared at his right wrist.

"Are you good, Lew?" Logan asked, although he had a feeling everything wasn't okay. Call it an intuition, or an extra power from his father, but something wasn't right. He turned to the rest of the group and asked, "Is anyone okay to drive?"

A girl on the crew that Logan didn't know very well was completely sober, so Logan asked her to go get a car, because obviously, they were going to end up at the emergency room.

"It hurts, sunshine," Lewis answered after a few moments, his voice barely audible. "I think we gotta go to the doctor."

"Your mom would kick your ass if you didn't go."

That phrase seemed to strike something, as Lewis struggled to his feet and leaned against Logan. "You gotta help me tell my mama what I did after we figure out what's wrong."

"Sure, plant boy." As soon as Logan put his arm around his friend, he felt a quick, sharp pain in his own wrist that quickly faded out. He winced, but started guiding Lewis towards the door.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Lewis cried out before they'd even went five feet. "You gotta carry me!"

"Lewis, buddy... Your legs work just fine. You can walk."

"But... I'm drunk, an'— an' don't wanna fall over or anything!"

Logan rolled his eyes. "I've been drinking, too."

"Please?" He stuck out his bottom lip, face turned upwards towards his friend. "You're the one who dared me."

"Gods, dude, fine. Stop whining," he groaned, then scooped his friend up, careful not to jostle him too badly. Then, to everyone else, he said, "Just go ahead and finish packing up, then go get some sleep. We'll be fine."


They called Lewis' mom after the doctor visit.

The FaceTime call connected almost immediately, given his mom was unfortunately accustomed to getting calls about Lewis at odd hours. She looked tired, and Lewis couldn't help the frown on his face.

"Sorry for waking you up, mama. But—"

"Have you been drinking?" She interrupted.

"Yeah, but that's beside the point," he sighed. Finally, he lifted his casted wrist up. "I did something dumb and broke my wrist."

"Please don't tell me that it's like the time your... friend broke his arm."

"I didn't trip and hit a door frame, if that's what you're asking." His mom visibly relaxed, so he continued on. "I fell off a kick drum."

"Lewis, honey, I love you, but you're a fucking idiot."

Logan couldn't help it. He started laughing, earning him a dirty look from his friend and a patient smile from the adult on the other end of the call.

Lewis was silent for a moment or two, then he said, "You're not mad at me, are you?"

"No, I'm not. I'm a little disappointed, but not mad," she reassured him, turning her head when the door opened behind her. A man walked up and murmured something inaudible, kissed her cheek, then left.

Lewis just rolled his eyes, but it was Logan that had a  real reaction from that, quietly asking, "Ma'am, was that Hozier?"

"It's Hades," Lewis supplied, then yawned. "We need to go get some sleep, so... bye, mama. We've got one more show, and then I'll be home."


By the time they left the hotel, Logan was sick and tired of dealing with Lewis.

Although they'd both sobered up, Lewis still bugged Logan to carry him. He'd complained until Logan helped him change his shirt, claiming he couldn't get it by himself. And this isn't counting all the time Lewis had smacked him with the cast while they were sleeping, because management finally fucked up and got them a room with only one bed. It was a goddamn nightmare.

And it didn't stop there. Logan was so glad tour was almost over, and he'd already told Lewis they needed to spend some time apart. He needed a goddamn break.

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