Fever Pt 1

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Nicki POV

Sighing to myself, I buttoned up my blouse and removed the scarf from my head. "I just got shit everywhere."I mumbled as my hands flew across my bathroom sink, looking for my wire brush.

I bent down and opened the cabinet to see if I had misplaced the brush under the sink but it wasn't there either.

"What did I do with it?"I asked myself, growing agitated. It seems, these days I'm always mixing stuff up or putting them in the wrong places. I really needed to get my head back on straight. I've just been so caught up in my music business.

A loud bark bought me out of my thoughts as my pit-bull puppy ran into the bathroom with something in his mouth. He laid down on the floor and began to paw at the handle that was sticking out from his teeth.

"Gimme that."I snatched it from him. He sat down and stared up at me. I eyed the slob covered brush in agony. "Go! Get outta here."I waved him off. Once I finished cleaning the brush, I began running it through my freshly silk-pressed hair.

"Up you go."I picked up the seventeen pound puppy and placed him in his cage as he began to cry.

"You do this every time I'm about to go."I rubbed his head as he stood on his hind legs trying to climb out of the cage.

"I'll be back in a few hours okay. I already filled your bowls and changed your pads. You'll be fine."I coaxed him. He whined louder and eventually barked at me. I kissed his forehead then pushed his head down so I could close and lock the door of the cage.

"Now, where did I put those keys?"I asked myself, running a hand through my hair as I looked for the keys to my Bugatti. Rummaging through papers on the kitchen counter, the only keys I found were the ones to my lambo so I had to settle for those. I grabbed the keys and my book-bag.

"God. I really need to get someone to clean this place up."I muttered looking around my house before going outside to my car. I got in and plugged my seatbelt into the lock then turned the car on.

Smiling to myself, I drove down the long narrow street then turned right to enter the inner city of Houston. Once I made it to the parking lot of Le's Fast Food, I stopped the car and went inside to get a box of shrimp fried rice and chicken.

I took a picture of it to post on my Instagram story with the caption "so good" and tagged the restaurants account. Once I finished eating I met up with Wayne so he could come view my new spot. I just moved down here to Houston a few days ago and still am having a bit of trouble getting around in the new area.

"Ooh,"He said looking around the front yard as I rummaged through my keys looking for the one to unlock the front door.

"You like it?"I asked, looking at him as I opened the door.

"Of course. It's much better than your last house—oh shit, what is that foul smell?"He frowned his face up and covered his mouth and nose.

"The dog must've pooped while I was gone. Let me clean this up while you look around."I went over and opened the door to the cage so he could run out. He instantly went to sniff Wayne. I cleaned out his cage then sent him outside.

"And how long you said you been here for?"He asked, looking around as he sat down on the couch. "A few days, why?"I looked at him.

"Cause it's dirty as hell for it to only have been a few days."

I sighed. "I know. I've just been so busy since I moved out here that I don't have time to clean it up."I explained.

"That's no excuse, Nic. You used to always keep your living space clean."He chewed me out. "I know."I dragged.

"You know what?"He raised up and grabbed his phone off the coffee table. He unlocked it. "It got this cool website you ca' go on if you like need somebody to clean your place up."He pulled it up.

"I don't know about having someone run all through my house, especially, you know, 'cause who I am and all."I stated.

"It's aight. Just make 'em sign a contract or some type of agreement."

He pushed the phone my way and I looked down at the screen. "Really Wayne!"I exclaimed, laughing.

"What?"He asked, smirking.

"Sexymaids.com Wayne, really!"

"They do be sexy. That's where I found my maids at. Made 'em sign an agreement and all and they been with me for three years."He informed.

I scrolled down seeing a bunch of maids pop up along with their descriptions and a star rating of how good their work was.

"I'll look at it later."I decided, getting up to let the dog back inside. He ran straight over to Wayne and jumped on him, ready to play.

"That's all he ever wanna do is play."I chuckled, grabbing him off Wayne and placing him on the floor only for him to jump back on the couch again.

Wayne's phone began to ring and he jumped up. "Booty call?"I asked, laughing. He straight faced me.

"Yeah, I'm coming right now."He told the person on the phone. I let him out and he caught an Uber to his destination.

"Looks like it's just you and me kid."I rubbed my dogs head as he kept reaching up trying to lick me.

I set out his bowls for his afternoon meal and began pouring his food. He dug in with no hesitation while I went to fill his bowl with water.

"Here you go."I smiled.

I sat down at the high bar and waited for him to finish. "Is it really that bad that I need a maid?"I asked myself, looking around the messy kitchen.

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