Fever Pt 15

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Megan POV

"Looks like we're here."I muttered, not wanting her to go.

"Don't be like that Megan. I'll be back before you know it."Nicki gave me a small smile before leaning over the center console to caress the lower half of my face.

She pushed her lips against mine for what only felt like a few seconds. I didn't want her to leave but I knew she had to. She pulled away from the kiss and opened the passenger side door of my Tucson that she bought me a few days ago.

She unbuckled her seatbelt as I opened the trunk so her security could get all of her bags out.

"Two months."She looked over at me. "Two months."I repeated, taking a deep breath. Nicki gave me one last kiss before turning on her heel and waltzing toward her private jet. I watched her board as a single tear left my left eye.

I mean, I know we haven't known each other for long but I feel like we have this sort of connection, you know? Well, I don't know but what I'm sure of is that I'm gonna miss her while she's away on tour for these next eight weeks.

She winked at me through the small window forcing me to push out a smile. She smiled back, blew me a kiss then waved. I watched her PJ take off and waited til they were up in the air before I left the airport.

I turned the radio up, hearing a different song come on. Kelly Rowland's "Neva End" remix with Future was playing.

"You walkin' out, you coming back again. 'Cause we became the best of friends."I sung along, pulling into the McDonald's parking lot. I ordered two sausage biscuits, three hash browns and two vanilla shakes.

I grabbed the two bags and made sure to lock the car before entering the lobby of the apartment Nicki purchased for Dream. I pushed the bag into my other hand trying not to drop the drinks as I plugged the key in and unlocked the door.

I kicked the door open and sat the food and drinks down on the small table in the living room.

"Dream!"I screamed making my voice bounce off the walls.

I heard the tv playing in the back so I headed towards her bedroom. The tv was just playing to itself; she wasn't in here. Her car was outside so I knew she had to be around here somewhere.

"Dream?"I called. I heard a screwing sound as what I'm guessing is a top that popped off and hit the floor. I heard what sounded like pills hit the floor. What in the hell!, I thought.

I attempted to open the door but it appeared to be locked.

"Dream?"I repeated. "Megan!"She cried out. "Dream open the door!"I screamed, jiggling the doorknob vigorously.

"It won't open!"She cried as more pills fell to the floor.

"What? Dream, open the door!"I began to hit my knee against the door, becoming frustrated that I couldn't get the door to budge.

"Don't come in! Please don't come in."She sobbed. I practically ran to find the key to the bathroom and ran back, shoving it in the hole. I twisted it one way which locked it tighter. I twisted it back the other way and it finally cams unlocked.

"Dream!"I screeched as I seen her. She had slits on her thighs with blood leaking out. I rushed in letting the key fall from my grip. "It won't open!"She cried clutching a pill bottle in her hands. Just like I thought, pills were all over the floor.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?"I questioned, dropping down to her level as my eyes filled with hot tears.

I crawled beside her. "Open it!"She damn near threw the bottle at me.

"No! What the hell is this? Antidepressants?"I asked, searching the label for the name of the drug.

"Just fucking open it! Please, Megan!"She began to get angry.

"No!"I threw the bottle out of the bathroom watching it hit the wall before dropping to the floor and rolling towards the kitchen.

"Look at yourself."I gestured to her bleeding legs as she reached for another bottle off the floor. I reached up and swung my arm across the sink, knocking all of the pill bottles out of her reach.

"What's going on, Dream? Talk to me."I pleaded.

"I wanna die!"She yelped out. Her voice full of sadness as a fresh set of tears leaked from our eyes.

"I wanna die so bad Megan!"She cried harder, dunking her head into my lap. I cradled her like a baby as she cried on me and repeatedly said that she wanted to kill herself.

"Why? Dream please, just tell me what's going on."I wiped my face with the back side of my hand.

"I haven't been the same since the fire."She whispered.

"What?"My eyebrows furrowed. She sat up, facing me as she tried to suck up the tears.

"You have no idea how it feels to watch on in horror, a building, your place of residence burn down to the ground. Megan, I was scared out of my mind. Nobody was there with me, to comfort me."She went on. "I looked around and there were children crying, parents in distress, state officials running around. I saw dead people being rushed into ambulances. Do you know what that shit does to a person?"She yelled in anger and frustration. I said nothing. Just let her vent to me her thoughts wether they were bad or good. Wether she screamed, kicked or cried.

"That shit traumatizes a person. I ain't never seen nothing like that before in my life. Ever since it happened I been having dreams about it in my sleep. I even dreamt of myself dying in the fire. I can't take these nightmares anymore, Megan, please,"She worked herself up again, breaking down.

"Come 'mere."I held my arms out, wanting to embrace her and let her know that I was here. And that I, as her best friend, am here for her, forever and always.

"Please,"She dropped her head in her hands before pointing towards the pill bottles scattered on the floor. "Just open the bottles for me."She begged.

"No Dream."I refused.

"Just do it!"She demanded.

"Hell no! You think i'ma contribute to your death? Are you out of your fucking mind Dream?"I said back.

"Stop trying to make this harder than it already is!"She whined. The room fell silent as we both just stared at each-other.

After a few seconds of us watching each other, she began to scramble around the floor gathering pills. I had to act fast, pushing her to the side, trying to knock the handful from her.

She snatched up another handful just as I got her to drop the other. "Stop! Dream, stop! Fucking stop, okay!"I tried to pull her away from the sink as she turned the water on, dunking her head underneath. She managed to swallow a huge amount just as I grabbed her, forcing her to lay on me. I held a tight grip on her as she cried herself to sleep. I sighed to myself as I tucked a thick piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm gonna get you some help."I whispered as I ran my fingers up and down her scalp slowly.

"I got you. You're my best friend, Dream. I'ma—I'ma get you some help."I wiped the tears from my face. "Gonna get you help."I repeated to myself. And I won't stop until she reaches tranquility.

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