Fever Pt 35

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Megan POV

"Baby can you run to the store and pick up some Similac and diapers?"Nicki asked me as she cradled the twins in her arms.

We had already ran through the whole pack of pampers and it's only been two days but with two small children I guess it weighs out. I just hope that as the months pass we won't be going through as many diapers as we are now.

"Okay. Anything else you want me to bring back?"I asked her as I fixed my leggings on my shins and slid my adidas on my feet. I grabbed my purse.

"No I don't think so. I'll call you if I think of something."she assured me.

"Okay."I got into one of the cars from the wide garage selection and headed to the closest Walmart to get what I needed.

"Whatever you say Mrs.Majesty!"I sung along, turning the wheel to the right to enter the lot. "Whatever you want you can have from me."I hit every syllable perfectly.

"Yo, yo, let me hit you back told 'em I'd get you back..... Nicki this Nicki that, all these bitches piggyback."I pulled the gear to park. "Yeah, on the real, I'm these bitches' idol, gotta be dumb to make me your rival 'cause I'm too powerful and you're not powerful. So say your prayers 'cause you 'bout to die slow. Die slow, die slow. Jealousy is a disease, die slow."I finished the song then turned the car completely off, got out and didn't even worry about hitting the lock button. This car locks automatically after it detects thats no one is inside but that's only if the keys are within reach of it. I shoved the keys down into the side of my purse and grabbed a basket.

Pushing it, I went straight to the baby section to get what I came here for.

"Megan Pete?"A person said from down the aisle, making me look up. I knew exactly who it was; an old friend from college. "Hey, Jabrie!"I smiled, engulfing her in a hug. I haven't seen her since graduation.

She and I used have the same classes due to us being on the same career pathway

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She and I used have the same classes due to us being on the same career pathway. We had so much in common during college; I wonder how much she's changed— if she's changed at all.

"How are you? I heard that you had a baby."

"Twins."I smiled as I went to grab the Huggies diaper package off the top shelf.

"Oh wow. And you make music too?"

"Yes, I do."

"So that means you don't want to pursue entrepreneurship like we studied in college?"She tilted her head to the side.

"I still do. I've just got other foods on my plate that I have to take care of first."I replied. "Oh, I see."She nodded slowly.

"Yeah."I said back.

"Okay well I have to finish getting the stuff off this list, but can I have your number? We should catch up."

"Yeah."I answered.

She gave me her number then I gave her mine, adding her to my contact list. We separated and I went towards the baby milk. Due to people stealing the Similac, Walmart had begun locking it up and you have to get a worker to come open it. Much like how they did with the hair products in the beauty aisle.

"Hey!"I called to one of the workers. He looked up then walked over.

"How much you need?"He asked.

"I'll take three of the large containers."I told him.

He sat them in the basket for me making me thank him before going on my way. I ended up on the 'candy and other junk food' aisle, getting myself some hot fries, and Nicki a pack of M&Ms.

"What in the hell is this?"I asked myself, picking up a package of candy that I've never seen before. "Chile, they make up anything these days."I dropped the package back on the aisle and kept pushing the basket.

"Shake that ass bitch, shake that, shake that ass bitch."I heard my song 'Shake That' playing from another aisle along with a group of loud girls hollering. They seemed to be having a good time.

Assuming they were fans, I went up to them and blended right on in with the group of girls twerking.

"Ayyy, shake that!"I said, making them all gasp. "Megan!"One said in a shocked voice while the others just stared.

"In the flesh."I giggled.

That same girl got closer to me and snapped a picture of her and I standing next to each other. Although I wasn't asked for pictures, I still posed.

Then they all began to take photos, of which I posed for too.

"I don't know what y'all doing up in here but it sholl ain't shopping."I joked.

I'm not—and never will be—one of those stuck up celebrities that doesn't acknowledge their fans so when I see them I speak back and hold conversations like any normal person would. Fame isn't going to change me.

"We came to pick up some stuff for our sleepover."The talkative one answered.

"Ahh, I came to get some stuff for my babies. I gotta get outta here or Nicki's gonna be calling after while."I punned making them laugh.

"It was a pleasure meeting you."The girl said. "You too."I replied before walking away to head to checkout.

While placing my items on the conveyor belt, I felt someone's eyes burning into the side of my face causing me to look around. And guess who I saw... Carissa's ass.

She was watching me like a hawk so I stared back. "What, you wan' shake something?"I asked, cracking my knuckles.

After a while of us staring each other down, she finally waltzed away. I continued putting my stuff down so the guy could check me out.

Soon, I made it out to my car and headed home. Once I got myself cleaned up from the germs I had picked up while out of the house, I picked my Kennedy up and held her close to my chest.

"Nicki?"I called softly, trying not to startle Kennedy. I walked throughout the house before finding Karim and Nicki outside on the patio.

"Why you left Kennedy unattended?"I questioned.

"She was asleep and I had the baby monitor right here."Nicki held the monitor up in her right hand while holding Karim in her left.

"Mmh."I mumbled.

Nicki followed me inside, shutting the door with her foot. We sat the babies down in a cushioned area on the living room floor then went to put the bags up.

"If I hadn't met you, I would probably have went back to Meek Mill's ugly ass."Nicki said out of nowhere.

I turned to her with my eyebrow raised, wondering where that outburst came from. "All I'm saying is, I'm more than grateful that I met you Megan."She smiled, making me smile. We leaned in for a kiss causing me to pick her up and sit her on the counter. I pulled Nicki's house shorts down and her shirt up.

I let my mouth latch on to Nicki's nipple and let my tongue do tricks to her areola. I dipped my fingers into her pussy, pumping her with three fingers. She was already soaking wet of course, so it was easy to slide in.

"Let's see if we can get a quickie in before they start making noise."I whispered.

With my fingers still inside her, I carried Nicki up the stairs and into our room. We let our clothes come off and she grabbed one of the many vibrators in her collection while I grabbed a dildo.

"Ooh shit!"I yelled as she placed both to my skin. "Mmm,"I moaned.

Surprisingly, the twins didn't interrupt our session. They actually waited till we were all finished up to start wailing which was a huge step if ya ask me.

"Let's go tend to them."

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