Fever Pt 29

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Megan POV

Once I closed the car door, I snapped my seatbelt. "You good?"Nicki asked as she started the car so we could leave.

"Yeah, why?"I said, shifting in my seat.

"Okay."She left it at that.

"You passed it up!"I shouted.

"Don't do that! Don't yell at me while I'm driving."Nicki made a sharp U-turn before turning right into the parking lot where my baby shower was located.

"I apologize."I leaned over, kissing her in the mouth.

"Mhm. Let's go."She got out of the car and walked around to my side to open the door for me. "You need help?"She asked.

"Yes, actually I do."I handed her the bag then slid out of the car. I slid my left hand into her right.

When Nicki and I walked into the community center, the people there stood and clapped for us.

"Bestie, I missed you so much."Dream bombarded me with kisses to the cheek.

"I missed you more."I smiled.

"And my godchild."She rubbed my belly.

Dream and Nicki helped me to my chair in  the center of the floor. I sat down and turned to Nicki, nodding at her to make the announcement. She headed to the stage, where the microphone was and took hold of it.

"Welcome to our baby shower! Megan and I want to thank you all for coming to our celebration for our baby boy, Karim. . ."Nicki continued to ramble on but I stopped to think. Nicki and I never talked about any names for our baby, let alone coming to an agreement on a name. I'll have to ask her about that later.

"Gifts are to be sat on the table in the back. Drinks are in the kitchen just ask one of the servers to serve you. The food won't be ready until two thirty. Restrooms are in the back on the right."Nicki continued on. "Okay, I covered everything."She mumbled to herself. "Thank you all for coming, please enjoy yourself."She ended her short speech then put the microphone back on the stand before stepping down from the stage.

While waiting for the food to come out, Nicki and I engaged in conversation with our family and friends while playing family friendly games such as charades, a diaper changing relay race, the baby food challenge among others.

"Food's ready!"One of the servers yelled, causing people to get up and form a line to get into the kitchen.

"I'ma go get your plate."Nicki told me as she got up from her chair.

"Okay. I want a little bit of everything."

"I know baby."She kissed my cheek before getting in line with the others.

While I waited, I pulled at the headband I made during one of the games. Although I'm having a little baby boy, I made a burgundy headband fit for a little girl. I sighed to myself and decided to go get some fresh air before Nicki came back with my food. I made my way outside and shut the door behind myself.

"I'm already tired and it's only been a few hours."I whispered as I rubbed my belly.

"So you got pregnant and chose not to call or text me?"A familiar voice startled me.

I turned around to see Kapo towering over me. "What're you doing here? You shouldn't be here."I stated, backing away from him. He took a step closer.

"What you mean I shouldn't be here? I'm the one that got you fuckin' pregnant!"He snapped. "I'm the reason you having this whole fuckin' baby shower."He added.

I felt the wind picking up and decided that it was time to go back inside. I pulled my jean jacket closer to cover up my stomach.

"Kapo, you need to leave."I whisper-yelled.

"Leave? Hell nah. My question is, if I'm finna be a father, don't you think I need to know?"

"My baby doesn't need a father, he has two mothers."


"Yes, he. The gender was confirmed last week."

He sucked his teeth. "Our son needs his father in his life! You can't stop me if I'm willing to be in his life! It's so many dads out here that can't be in their kids life and here I am, wanting to be there and you won't let me. Wow! Megan, you're fucking selfish."He hollered. I heard the door open but I couldn't see who was entering or exiting due to Kapo's tall statue.

"Why are you yelling at her? And what are you doing here?"Nicki questioned Kapo as she came around to stand at my side.

"Stupid bitch won't let me be in my son's life!"He spat.

"Okay, Kapo you need to go."Nicki said. I could tell she was becoming very vexed but she was trying to stay in character.

"Fuck both of y'all. This lil fantasy y'all think y'all gonna have,"He pointed his finger back and forth between the two of us, "ain't gone last long."he stormed off.

I turned to face Nicki. "Are you okay?"She asked. I shook my head no as my eyes began to sting.

"Don't cry, baby, it's okay."She took hold of me. I let my head fall onto her shoulder and released a few tears before lifting my head back up.

Nicki wiped my face and helped me straighten myself up.

"Ready to go back in?"She asked.

"Yeah, you?"I replied.

She nodded. "Your food is probably cold now."She said to me as we walked back inside. "I'm not even hungry anymore."I told her.

"Uh uh! Im'a go warm it up and you're gonna eat it. Don't let no man or situation make you feel like you can't eat."

"You're right."

While she went to warm my plate up, I got up on stage and picked up the microphone. "Alright H-Town Hotties, it's time to turn the fuck up!"I said, making everybody cheer.

For now, I decided to push the Kapo situation to the back of my mind and focus on my baby shower and Nicki.

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