Fever Pt 34

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Megan POV

"Baby mama fine fine."Nicki smirked, licking my cheek. I had just woken up from a long slumber.

"I didn't know you was a dog."I teased as I got up to use the bathroom. "But do I look good though?"I couldn't help but to ask. It's now going on two in the morning and Nicki and I, as well as the twins, are still in the hospital.

"Yes. Look like you didn't even pop out a pair of kids eight hours ago."She gave me a kiss on the same cheek.

"Aww, so do you."I smiled.

She smacked her lips making me chuckle.

"You fell asleep like twenty minutes after they bought Kennedy and Karim back."

"I was so tired."I sighed. "From all that pushing."

"I know baby."She rubbed my arm affectionately. "But when they took them to make sure they were okay, you were paranoid. You kept telling me don't let them out of my site."

"They spent nine months inside me, I don't want them out of my reach."I said.

I got back in the hospital bed with Nicki right beside me, fixing the covers once the both of us were under.

"Aw, look at them."My smile widened.

Karim and Kennedy were laying in the hospital crib, together, asleep. The both of them looked so precious. Eyeing them bought a tear to my eye, thinking how I really had not one but TWO lives growing inside of my stomach.

For the next few hours, until the sunrise, I was up watching over them while Nicki slept. She had been awake with the babies while I was having my slumber so it's only right that I let her get some sleep in.

By sunrise, I felt myself dosing off but I kept pinching myself to stay awake. I didn't want to let these treasures away from me for one second. Around seven, I was no longer able to pinch myself awake; sleep overtook my body.

Nicki POV

"You guys are ready to go."The doctor said with a smile once I handed her the paperwork back to discharge Karim, Kennedy, and Megan.

"Thank you."I smiled back and began to get their belongings together.

Early in the morning, after Megan fell back asleep, I had called one of my good friends, Beyoncé, up, and got her to install Karim's car seat into my car. Since she knew Kennedy was unexpected, she even bought us, with her own money, a new car seat for Kennedy. She had also bought the baby bag for the twins from my house. I thanked her for her kindness then she went back home to deal with Jay and their three kids.

Because we had only bought one stroller to the hospital with us, I put the twins in there together since they were small enough to fit.

"Just this once until i get us a double stroller."I whispered to them as I strapped them in securely.

"What're you doing?"Megan jumped up from her sleep, making Karim's face scrunch up as he burst into tears.

She hoped out of the bed and took Karim in her arms. "I was getting them ready to go. The nurse discharged y'all."I said to her. "Oh."She looked at me before looking back down.

"I'm sorry Mommy woke you. I'm sorry Karim, shhh baby, it's alright."She tried to calm him down but his crying continued.

Just then, Kennedy began to cry. I picked her up.

"It's okay Kenny."I assured her. "Mommy just got a little scared that's all."Megan added. "Im sorry Nic, I didn't know. I thought you were trying to steal them."She told me.

"It's okay. Now let's get these two to quiet down before we leave and cause a scene."I replied.

"Maybe you should feed them."I suggested.

"Okay."She got the bottles that the hospital had prepared for us and popped the nipple into Karim's mouth, handing me the other bottle so I could do the same to Kenny. I sat down on the bed beside Megan as we bonded over feeding the babies together. Once they were done feeding and had their pampers changed, I placed them back in the stroller and waited for Megan to change her clothing from the hospital gown and back into her jeans and tee shirt. While the doctors assisted in getting Megan down to the car, I wheeled the babies down and strapped them in the car seat. Next, I helped Megan get into the passenger seat. Finally, I got in on the driver side and pressed the button to start the car, then took the gear from park and placed it in reverse so I could back out of the parking spot I had pulled into the day prior.

The four of us went straight home, wanting to rest up from all the hard work Megan went through last night.

Y'all heard Megan new album?

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