Fever Pt 55

847 48 24

Few Days Later
Megan POV

"Good news everyone!"Nurse Tuce(two-see) smiled, coming into the room as she and another nurse wheeled in Missa's cubicle.

"My baby!"I happily jumped up, nearly knocking over the twins' toys as they played together on the hospital bed.

"Yes, it is your baby."Tuce smiled.

"What's the news?"Nicki asked, getting up.

"Missa is breathing on her own, look at her chest heaving. She's so happy to be off the breathing machine."

I looked down at Missa as she breathed in and out on her own, bringing joy to my heart, mind and soul.

"Now that she's breathing independently, we need to see if we can detach her from the feeding tubes. So you'll need to test out her sucking and latching skills. Do you breast or bottle feed?"


"Great. It's nearing time for her to eat. Do you have a bottle ready?"

"Actually yes. We do have two eleven month olds."I smiled. "It just needs to be heated up."Nicki said as she pulled a fresh bottle out of the baby bag.

"Foo?"Kennedy asked as Nicki heated it up. "No girl, you just ate."I told her. "This is for sissy."I got positioned in the bed and watched as Nurse Tuce opened the cubicle and lifted Missa out of it. I couldn't help but to awe. This is the first time I've seen Missa out of that box since we've been here.

"Here she is."Tuce handed her to me, wrapped in a white and blue blanket the hospital gave her.

"My Missa."I smiled wholeheartedly. This is the first time since we've been in the hospital that I've held her in my arms.

I took the bottle from Nicki, slowly putting it into place in Missa's small mouth. "She's eating."I told them.

"She's doing it perfectly. Like nothing is wrong."Nicki added.

"That's amazing. The team loves to see babies improving. I'll leave you and your family to drool over your new baby."The nurse let herself out.

"She's beautiful."I uttered. This is the first time in a couple days that I feel whole again. My family is knitted back together perfectly, Nicki and I are getting married and I can't wait to start planning our wedding.

"Oh god, she's having a seizure. Oh my god! Oh my god!"I cried, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Shit um, what to do? What to do? They never told us what to do!"Nicki panicked.

"It ok."Karim tried to pat Missa but he scarily jumped back at her impromptu jerking and twitching.

"Ma!"Kennedy cried. "Everybody calm down!"I tried to say but I couldn't stop myself from breaking down.

"I'm looking up what to do. The WiFi is so slow in here."

Missa started to make noises as she stiffened, loosened up and stiffened again. "Oh my god! Oh my god!"I kept saying to myself. Just fucking great! My newborn is having a seizure, my twins are scared, Nicki can't find what to do on her phone and I'm panicking so hard I'm about to piss myself.

"Hey hey hey!"Doctor Thompson walked in. "She's having a seizure."I blurted.

"Oh okay, so first you need to not panic."

"How the fuck do I not panic? She's having a goddamn seizure!"I screamed.

"Gently place her on the floor or ground, whether you're outside or inside. Now, lay the child on their side."He instructed while I did what he said. "This prevents them from choking on their own vomit, she's not vomiting but it's better to be safe than sorry. Loosen up the blanket so her airways won't be cluttered. Is she breathing adequately?"


"Great. Now, since she is a newborn, you will have to be extra careful and maybe put down like a towel or blanket on the floor while she's down there. Much like how you do with Kennedy and Karim while they're playing on the floor."He rambled. "Because she is newborn, you can not let her go like you would with an older child having a seizure. You would normally not touch the child at all but in this case, as you're holding her on her side, prop some soft pillows up so that they can support her because you're really not supposed to touch the child at all while they're having an episode. You have to let the seizure play out until it stops on it's on, attempting to stop it yourself will make the child uncomfortable and make the situation more complicated."

"Now that she's all taken care of, I need you two, Mommies, to take a deep breath and calm down. Remember, you've got two other babies watching this all go down and if you're panicking, they'll get scared and panic as well. We don't have time for panics or other children getting scared and interfering with the care of the child while this is going on. When Missa is having a seizure, you must act fast to prevent it from getting progressing."

"Yes sir."

"And after a few minutes, it will all be over. Any more questions?"

Like clockwork, Nicki and I bombarded him with several questions that he politely answered. "Thanks doctor."I smiled, picking Missa up off the floor once she was alert. I held her close to me.

"And if you ever find yourself in a rut either call me personally or call your OB/GYN, she'll know what to do also."

He left and I got back in the bed. "You okay?"I asked Nicki.

"Yeah, you?"

"I think so. Just happy it's over."

"Ok?"Kennedy placed a hand on Missa's chest. "Yes, Kenny. She's okay."Nicki told her. Kennedy smiled as if to indicate that she was relieved.

"I've got some more great news."Tuce came in. Damn, do people not knock, I asked myself, we're having an intimate family moment here.

"I'm pleased to say that you'll be discharged tomorrow morning. Missa is breathing well and eating just fine and you've recovered tremendously from giving birth."

"God wouldn't give us more than we could bare."Nicki kissed my forehead.

Thank God this hospital visit is over. I can't wait to take Missa home!

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