Fever Pt 56

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Megan POV

"Feels good to be home."I let out a breath of relief as Nicki unlocked the front door, letting the five of us in. We were met by Reese and Macy barking obnoxiously loud. "Enough!"Nicki said in a stern voice, practicing something I had taught them. When they barked too much, simply say "enough" and they shut up. It's perfect.

"Hey you guys. This is Missa."I let them sniff her and get a feel of her.

Macy tilted her head to the side as she sat in front of me, giving me all of her attention. "She's asleep right now but she'll be up in a while."I told the dogs as if they knew what I was saying.

Karim crawled right over to his toys and started to play with them while Kennedy went for an iPad we got her a while back.

"Ah!"She yelped, hitting the screen.

"Kenny, don't do that."Nicki picked her up, sitting her on the couch.

"Ahh!"She hit the screen some more.

"It's dead. You ran it down."I took it from her, sitting it on the coffee table. Her mouth curled up; she burst into tears.

"Kenny, stop, please. Don't start acting a fool. Go play with your toys."Nicki suggested but she fell out hysterically.

"Take her before she wake my baby up."I told Nicki, shooing them off.

"Come on mama."She held her, going outside to the backyard. I'm guessing they were about to get in the pool or something.

"My baby need her diaper changed."I got up, taking Missa upstairs.

"Ma!"Karim said, making me turn around to see him at the bottom of the stairs trying to come up.

"Hol mommy hol."He tried to say "hold".

I went down the stairs and picked him up.

"Okay look, I can't hold both of y'all at the same time."I said, trying to balance Karim on my hip and Missa on my chest.

"Me! Me!"He held his hands out. "You want to hold her?"I asked.

He smiled. "Okay, hold her tight."

He tried his hardest to cradle her in his arms as I held him in mine, taking them both upstairs. I sat Karim on his bed and changed Missa's diaper.

"Karim, I know you didn't."I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he laughed so innocently while letting out baby poots.

"Uhn uhn! Kaka you stank."I waved my hand in front of my nose, making him laugh. I heard the back door open downstairs and then Kennedy crying and Nicki trying to calm her down.

"Here. You take Missa and I'll try to get her to calm down."I told Nicki. We exchanged babies. "She fell."Nicki confessed.

"We have a clumsy one on our hands."I joked, rocking her. "This the cry she use when she fighting her sleep."I said, taking her up to her room with a fresh bottle. I sat down in the rocking chair and positioned Kennedy on my lap, feeding her.

"Rock a bye baby, on the tree top..."Before I even got deep into the song, she was knocked out. I laid her in her crib and made sure the baby monitor was on.

"He's down?"I asked, seeing Nicki carry Karim into the room.

"Yeah. He heard you singing rock a bye baby."Nicki laughed. She laid him in his crib. "Wait! Where's Missa?"

"I just sat her on the couch for a second."Nicki said, following me out of the room and cracking the twins' bedroom door a bit.

Just then, we heard Missa making a weird noise like she was having an episode, prompting us to run down the stairs and come to her aid.

"Doctor Thompson said put on her the floor."Nicki said.

"And she's not vomiting so she doesn't need to be turned."I spoke.

"Just let it play out."She told me, pulling me into her.

"I know but it's hard to watch her like this."I confessed. This is her fourth seizure since we've been home and it's really starting to take a toll on us.

"I just feel like I'm not a good mother."I cried.

"No, don't say that. Megan, you're an amazing mother to them."

"But—,"I tried to say, beating myself up about it. "I just feel terrible. That, like, I can't take this from her. I don't want her to suffer. She doesn't deserve this."

"I agree. I wish I could lift it off her too but only God can and if that's what He wants for her then there's nothing we can do about it."


"Aht! Don't do this. Any child would be so lucky to have a mother like you, I promise you that. It's almost been a year with the twins, you're doing amazing."

"We have to plan their birthday party."I said. "I know."She said back.

"And the wedding."

"I know."

"I feel so drained, so stressed."

"We can push the wedding back if you want to. I'm willing to wait for you, I love you."

"No, I couldn't do that to you, to us."

"We just have to take it one day at a time baby. That's all. Everything will be just fine. We'll make it through."

"I'm beyond thankful that you're helping me to get through this."

"We have to help each other."She kissed me. A few minutes later, we got Missa to sleep and put her in her crib.

"Now that they are sleep, let's spend some time together."

Nicki and I watched movies the rest of that night, talking and laughing even though we were tired and had bags under our eyes from being up with the children for so long. And it honestly felt like old times, to talk and laugh with my fiancé. I love it here and this family we've created together.

Nothing in the world is better than being here, with Nicki and our three babies.

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