Fever Pt 64

717 47 30

Nicki POV

"Reese can be saved."The doctor started.

"What can you do to save him?"Megan asked. "Please save our doggy."Karim pleaded, making me want to break down and cry even more.

"He'll have to undergo surgery that would leave him paralyzed for the rest of his life. He won't be able to run, jump or play like he used to if you choose to undergo this procedure. Not being able to do these things may stress him out and lead to more problems."The doctor explained. Please don't say it, I thought, please don't say it. "With the risk of that happening, you'll have to choose between the surgery and the other option of putting him down."

When the doctor said that, it felt like my heart had stopped. No matter what anyone says, pets really do become apart of a family. It felt as if I was about to pass out; I fell into Megan's arms.

"Because Reese has lost so much blood, we are pressed for time so you'll have to make a decision."

"What're the odds that he'll be okay after the surgery?"I asked.

"Almost all dogs end up paralyzed after the surgery. Only a small percentage of dogs end up walking on their own again, within a few years."

"A few years?"Megan repeated to herself.

"Do we really want to take that chance?"I asked her.

"He'll be miserable."She said.

"But I can't put him down, Megan. He's my best friend. I need him here with me."

"Nicki, that's selfish. You can't let him go through that pain just because you want him to continue living. The doctor said it's a very small percentage of dogs who fully recover."Megan told me.

I felt as if I was at a crossroads with this decision. Reese and I have so many memories together, from before Megan and I even got together. Reese was there to help me get settled when I first moved to Houston. He helped to calm my anxiety and he didn't even know it.

But I had to make a choice and I couldn't let Reese suffer because of my own selfish reasoning. I slowly nodded my head.

"We have to put him down."I choked out.

"I know this time is very hard for you as well as it is for the family but we're here to help. Most dog parents don't want to be in the room when their dog is being put down, but we have to offer it."

"Yes. I want to be in the room."I wiped my face. The doctor led us to the back where Reese laid on a table, stitched up so the external bleeding could stop.

"Is he okay?"Missa asked.

Great! Just fucking great! Now Megan and I are going to have to teach the kids about death. I am not looking forward to this conversation.

One by one, the kids said their goodbyes. Macy even licked Reese's nose and Megan rubbed his forehead. I could tell she was trying to stay strong for the kids but I couldn't keep it together. They all went out into the waiting room while I stayed, watching the doctor get the medicine ready to inject into Reese's body so he could sleep. Doctor handed me a box of tissues so I could wipe my face of the tears and snot. I watched on as he placed the needle into Reese's back leg, just under the skin, making me flinch.

I watched as Reese's eyes slowly closed. I felt his heart beat it's last beat. I heard him breathe his last breath. Within two minutes, his brain and heart had stopped functioning, leading the doctor to pronounce him dead. I cried and cried and cried.

"I want to bury him."I whispered.

"Okay."The doctor said, pulling out a cardboard box. He carefully placed Reese inside and sealed it shut, handing me the box.

He helped me walk into the waiting room where my family was waiting for me.

"He's dead."I cried into Megan's arms.

Hours later, we found ourselves back at the spot where Reese was ran over. We had gotten permission from the people who built the neighborhood, to dig up a hole deep and wide enough to place Reese into the ground.

I placed a hand on the box and decided to lead us all in prayer. "...May you Rest In Peace."I finished, with tears still falling down my face as we covered the box in dirt, burying him.

On top of his burial spot, we placed a cross with his name and birthdate on it. And every year on his birthday, we came and placed his favorite flower and toy by the cross. As the years went on, it got easier and easier to deal with his death although it was never truly easy. I guess the family just got used to the fact that Reese is now gone.

"In doggy heaven may he rest peacefully."Kennedy spoke. We released the balloons from our grip, letting them float away in the sky in great honor of our beloved Reeses Puff.

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