Fever Pt 52

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Megan POV

"Uhhh, Megan, you're gonna wanna see this!"Nicki yelled to me in an uneasy voice. "What?"I asked, turning the sink water off.

"It's regarding Macy."She said. Just then, I heard light taps against the floor, already knowing who it was. Macy, with Reese following behind her.

I came out of the bathroom and laid down in the bed with her, peering at her phone as she pressed play on a video.

"This giraffe bitch call herself Megan Thee Stallion—bitch you ain't nobody. I told you watch my dog and when I came back for her you wouldn't give her back. I called the authorities on that bitch and they never came out to get me my dog back."A lady screamed into the phone, clearly heated as she ranted on about me.

"What the hell."I muttered.

"Megan, who is that?"Nicki asked me, pausing the video.

"That's the lady that left Macy on the porch. Why is she saying she called the police on me? None of that ever happened."

"Please explain to me what's going on! I'm so lost Megan."Nicki complained.

"She tried to bargain with me to give her some money and I said no but then she kept begging so I gave in. I went to get the fifty dollars for her and she was gone. Macy was just sitting on the steps looking frail and scared as ever."I explained to her, swiping down on the video to see how many views it had gotten. It was posted on the shade room with 17,710 likes and the caption said "so Megan stealing dogs now" with a tea emoji.

"If they don't get the fuck outta here."I said to myself. "I'm not even gonna address that shit. That bitch is on crack."I spat. "Clown ass bitch, ion give a fuck."

Nicki cracked up at my choice of words. "We finally got the twins to bed and I'm beyond tired."I turned on my side and pulled the covers up to my neck, shutting my eyes for the night.

12:01 AM

"Megan! Oh my god, Megan!"I heard Nicki whisper-yelling in my ear.

"What?!"My eyes popped open.

"The last time you wet the bed, you were having wet dreams about me."She teased, pulling the cover down so I could see what she was talking about.

"My water must've broke while I was sleep. I didn't even feel it."I said, running through the information. "Heavy sleeping ass."She got up, grabbing her phone.

"Wait, it's not time for the baby to come yet. We still have another month to go."

"Do you think the baby is coming? Should I call Dr.Catalino?"

"Yes and yes."I took a deep breath. Nicki propped up some pillows behind me to raise me up. "Delilah?"She said into the phone, putting the call on speaker.

"Hello? Nicki?"Delilah said sleepily.

"Yes, I think Megan is going into labor."

"Okay. Stay on the line. I'm going to call the police and send an ambulance over. What's Megan doing?"

"Sitting here, trying to hold the baby in."

"If she's coming, just push. Home births are not all that complicated. Count to three and push like we did with Karim and Kennedy."Delilah advised.

"Okay."I uttered, doing as she said. It felt so weird not being in a hospital for my birth but at least an ambulance was on the way. "Oh my god, I need to call Sherika."Nicki jumped up.

"Who?"I asked, trying to keep calm.

"My cousin. Someone needs to watch the kids while we go to the hospital."

"I don't think we'll be able to wait for her or the paramedics. She's coming now."I leaned my head against the pillow, trying my hardest to keep calm.

Nicki helped to position my legs while I just laid there, helpless.

"Mama you gotta push. Her head is right there. 1...2...3."Nicki coached.

I pushed with everything in me as tears fell from my eyes due to the pain.

"1...2...3 push."She repeated; I pushed. "Her head's out. 1...2...3. Push."

"Aaah!"I screamed. "I have her. One last push. You got this."She said. We heard an ambulance all the way from down the street, coming closer. "I'll meet y'all at the hospital."Delilah stated before hanging up the phone.

"Mama."we heard a soft voice say. "Mama."Karim repeated, grabbing the sheets to stand himself up.

"His first word."Nicki cooed as she handed me our newest edition to the family. I smiled softly. What a way to start the morning...

Nicki went downstairs to let the paramedics into the house. Next thing I knew, I was on a stretcher with my baby in my arms and Nicki by my side. We made it to the hospital quicker than I expected.

"Wait!"I cried as the doctors tried to coax me into giving them my baby.

"We're just going to check and make sure she's okay."The doctor tried to tell me.

"I want to watch you check her."I let them know. "And I have a question."Nicki rose from her chair.

"Yes? I can answer any question you have."A different doctor said.

"How come she didn't cry when she came out of the womb? And also, why did she come so early? We still had a month to go before Megan's due date."Nicki asked him. "These things are very complicated."The doctor started. "We're going to have to take her to the neonatal intensive care unit since that's where all our equipment is since she is premature."

"What's wrong with my baby? Don't take my baby!"I screamed, trying to get out of the bed. "Stop! Gimme back my baby!"

To be continued...

Uh oh! What y'all think is going to happen to the new baby?

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